Chapter Fourteen: The Dance Part One

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A/N: Theres the picture of Celia's hair but without the flower.

Beth. She was at my door in a red dress, her blonde hair curled, and she had on perfect red lipstick. I hate to admit it but she looked beautiful. "What do you want Beth." I snap folding my hands over my chest. "Look, Celia I'm sorry... For everything." Beth begins. I huffed, "you kissed my boyfriend and tried to change me, bye Beth." I started to close the door but she held it with her foot.
"Just hear me out," she pleaded.
"Fine... Shoot, before I change my mind." I saw her smile. "Can I come in?" Beth asks twiddling her fingers, I nod and she enters and walks upstairs where Alyssa has returned. Every now and then she stopped what she was doing and looked up at Beth. "You guys look amazing..." Stay strong Celia, she's just warning you up. My heart told me to hug her but my sanity kept me away. "Cut to the point Beth." I snap and she nods. "You don't understand the story. It wasn't me who kissed Dylan, it was Val! I swear." Beth  blurts and I laugh, "I saw you, I even yanked you off him." I almost kicked her out but Alyssa put her hand on my shoulder, "let's hear what Bethany has to say." I sigh but let Beth continue. "They had this plan to make you a Barbie again, to make Dylan leave. They said I would get my best friend back, and Val would get Dylan as her play thing. I believed them, that it would all work out in the end." She laughs at her own stupidity and I just look at her, "who is "them" "I ask, I need to know everyone who was involved. "The three V's, Joseph, Sebastian, this girl named Taylor and some guy by the name of Seth." I knew Taylor and Seth, we talked at lunch and they had a few of my classes. We weren't friends, more like acquaintances. "So, the plan was that the Three V's would watch you. They saw the spot and knew how to get under your skin, they swam there (although they hated it) and waited for you to come. When you did Val was supposed to... Kiss Dylan right in front of you but then you beat them up." You know, I was feeling sorry about beating them up but I'm sad I didn't hurt them more. "So we came up with a new plan, but no one was supposed to actually kiss Dylan it was supposed to just look like they did. Val took the role, but they didn't tell me they would dress up like me. They used make up and everything and it worked. She took it to far and kissed him and ruined it. I would never actually kiss Dylan. When I found out, I punched Joseph in the nose and the V's kicked me out of The Barbie's." When she finishes I'm not sure what to do. I want to hug her and punch her for being in or their plan.

The doorbell rings and Beth gets up, "I should get going." I grab her arm, "no. Come with us, we're all going as friends." Her eyes brighten and I see the smile I know and love. Then I remember something, my parents are home! "Alyssa go get the door before my mom and dad do!" I yell but as soon as we open the door and see the boys downstairs I know it's too late. My dad has a look of mixed emotions, he had the My-daughter-has-a-boyfriend-yay look and the I-am-going-to-Murder-you look. My mom was just overjoyed. Beth was in front of us, so that the boys couldn't see us. "ahem. Introducing, your dates." She said before walking down the fancy staircase. My parents clapped and my mom readied her camera. The boys stood next to the staircase and Alyssa stepped into view holding her purse. Evan smiled and they linked arms, my mom squealed and took a million pictures of them. Then, I stepped out from behind the door. Dylan waited patiently with a smile on his face. "My lady." He said doing a bow and holding out his hand, I laugh and take it, "what a gentle man." My dad pulls me into a hug, but then my mom frowns. "Is that a tattoo?" She asks and alarm fills my face. "What? No it's market um bye mom gonna be late!" We all run out the door laughing.

Dylan's car is waiting but there's a person inside. I look and see Drew, I had no idea he went to our school. He's sitting in the drivers seat, wearing a suit and tie. When I open the door he looks up from his lap, probably on his phone. He smiles at all of us, and we all pile into the car. Beth being the last.

His eyes land on Beth, and scans over her features. She looks very innocent right now, freckles, hair curled to match Marylin Monroe's, red dress that stopped at her knees in the front and flowed freely in the back, lace sleeves and the look on her face. The look of pure joy and happiness. We pile into the backseat but Beth has to sit in the front unless she wanted to sit on Evan's lap. Drew continued to stare at her in wonder and I coughed, "we're going to be late if you don't drive, sir." He snapped out of it and began backing out of the driveway. Alyssa begins explaining Beth's story to Dylan as the two continue to flirt. "So, uh, who's this?" Drew says gesturing to Beth. She smiles,"I'm Bethany, but call me Beth, I'm one of Celia's friends." She answers and Drew flashed her a look. How do I describe that look? It was cute- no wrong word. Cexy cute and sexy. He had one dimple instead of two and his green eyes made him look irresistible. Beth swooned, "so what's your name handsome." And Beth has entered flirting zone, I didn't understand the flirting though. They both liked each other why couldn't they just say so? I turned to Dylan and Alyssa, "so... Revenge?" I ask and they both nod. "I say, the fall "leaves" and glitter that gets poured on the Autumn Queen and Knight should pay everyone that was involved a visit." Dylan suggests and an idea fills my mind, I smile evilly and Alyssa scoots away from me. "She's plotting something, I know that face." She stage whispers and I chuckle a bit. Let's just say prom is going to be a fun night.

A/N: The dance is going to be split up in three parts and I have a ton of stuff planned. Also, Brew... Deth? Choose a ship name for Bethany and Drew. As always, Like. Comment. And Vote.

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