Our Love Has Pain Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It's been a week since the incident from Levi. Everytime I touch my ear,I feel weird. Like I want him all to myself.

"Eren? Why is your ear red? IS THAT A HICKEY!"

'A hickey? D-did Levi make it look like a hickey?!'

Levi, Hanji, Petra and Erwin looking at me.

"Well?!?!" Mikasa needs to be quiet!

"Shut up. And no, its not a hickey."

"Eren who did this to you?"

"Mikasa I just hit my ear! Jeez!"

"With what? A person's mouth?!"

"No, you don't need to know EVERYTHING. And even if it was a hickey, who cares?"

"I do! You're to young!"

"I'm 17 Mikasa. Fucking 17!!"

"That's to underaged. Deal with it."

I grabbed my tray and went somewhere else, PRIVATE. Stupid Mikasa. Always gotta embarrass me.

Eren threw his trash away and walked over to his locker.Everyone was gone. To busy outside.

He opened his locker and a letter fell down. "What the heck?" Eren read the letter.
It said,

Dear Eren, can you meet me up at the roof top at 5:10 pm? I need to talk to you about..something.

"What is this some Yandere Simulator shit?" Eren let out a sigh but he was curious who would've done it.

He left and went to class, not noticing Levi behind the lockers. "Shitty Brat."

magical time skip..5:10 pm

Eren's POV. Again.

I was up on the roof top, waiting for the person to come. Who was it? Who wrote me a love letter? Then I heard the door of the rooftop open.

I saw...nobody. "Hm?"

I knew it. This was some Yandere Simulator type of shit. I checked my watch. 5:25 pm. They were late. I wouldn't blame them, this school has a lot of stairs.

I heard the rooftop doors open again. My eyes widened as I looked at the person.


"Hey Eren..your probably wondering why I wrote you that note huh"

"L-Lizzy! I mean Elizabeth! You wrote me that?"

"Yeah. And you can call me Lizzy." She was blushing. Why was she blushing. She shouldn't be blushing. Please dont let it be what I think this is..

"What'd you want to talk about?"

"W-well..." She was blushing so hard. Reminded me of a tomato.

"Lizzy, look, tell me tomorrow, I got to get home. Alright?" I walked to the door.

"Wait! I-I'm IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Those words made me stop. "I-im in love with you Eren."

"L-lizzy.." This was hard. I didn't want to make her cry. "I'm sorry, but I don't like you like that, your a great girl and all but-"

"Please..Eren! I love you! What do I need to do for you to love me! I got all the perfect features! I'm a blonde, I have curves, I'm tough, I'm pretty, I have boobs and butt, and I'm a blonde Eren! A blonde!"

"Whoa, don't brag about yourself there cupcake."

"Is it someone else!?! I need to know, please."

Man she was bitch, but sometimes a sweet girl. I rejected her because I liked her as a friend, and I did like somebody else.

"M-maybe." My face heated up.

"W-who?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I don't want to say. Anyway, I'm sorry Elizabeth."

"Wow. Your really passing this?" She moved her arm up and down her body in a sassy way.

"You'll regret it, to see you could've had all of this. I understand though, thanks for listening I guess. Bye Eren."

Before I said goodbye she left running with tears in her eyes. I felt like a jerk, but at the same time, the way she talked to me, the sassy way, made me feel like she deserved it.

Wow. She took it a lot better than I thought though. I was heading to the doors, but someone grabbed me from my hands. I looked at the person and with my surprise...


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