Our Love Has Pain Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Ring* *Ring*

"5 more minutes.." I groaned.

*Ring* That's it. I'm annoyed. I went to go see who the hell was waking me up.



"MIKASA?" Oh shit.

"Where the hell are you?!?! I've been worried sick! Jeez-" She and I were cut off by Levi. He snatched my phone off my hand.

"Is this Mikasa?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"H-hey! Levi! Give me back my phone!" As I was going towards Levi, he put his hand on my for head, preventing me from getting my phone back.

"Eren is busy at the moment. He'll have to get back to you later."

"Who. Are. You?" I can tell by the tone of Mikasa, she was pissed.

"I'm Levi. Eren spent a night here because we needed to do a project." Levi turned around to face me and sent me a wink. I blushed because I knew what 'project' he was talking about.

"Well, then I'll be picking him up tonight-"

"No can do, if we don't finish it, then we'll both fail. If we finish, he can go. If we don't, then he'll spend a night," Yup. Mikasa was angry.

"No! Let me speak to Eren."

"Levi, can i have my phone now?" He walked up to me, whispering "shh.." Then nibbled my earlobe.

"L-Levi..." I felt his warm hand slide between my boxers."Haaa.. N-no..wait until M-Mikasa.,Ah! Ngh.."

I can't help it but moan and groan...

"Eren?" I can hear Mikasa's voice, with a more worried tone.

"U-um..ngh..I'll see ya at s-school.."

"Fine. Don't be late. Bye Eren."




"Why? Don't you enjoy it?" I can't lie. I loved it, but I'll be late to school, so I can't fool around.

"I-I need to get ready for school..ah.." I heard Levi's mouth make 'tch' sound.

"You're right. Anyway, let's get ready." With that said, Levi stopped and walked over to the bathroom.I grabbed my phone to see what time it was.

7:30..ugh..7:30!! I am going too be late to school! Shit! I can't be late! "LEVI YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE A SHOWER! WE ARE GOING-"

"Eren, we both smell like sweat and cum. Do you really want to go to school smelling like cum and sweat?"

"Who cares? Its just school. And how would they know how cum smells like."

"Why are we talking about this."

"Because we need a lot of help"

"Leviiiiii...." I pouted.

"Quick shower. Why are you such in a hurry?" Did I really need to tell him that Mikasa would kill me if I am ever late to school? Sounds like I'm afraid of my own sister.

"Well-" I was interrupted by someone who just came and opened the door.

"EREN!" Oh no..

"M-Mikasa! W-what are you doing here?!"

"Well you are late to school, I haven't heard from you. And why does this room smell weird?" I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry. I'll go but I need to take a shower real quick. Now get out and go too school."

"As long as you hurry up and make it to 2nd period."

"Wait, why aren't you at school? You are late to" Mikasa shook her to a no.

"Nope. I told the teacher that I needed to go the restroom. So instead I came here."

"Wow. Now get out."

"Ok I'm going. Jeez Eren. YOU. BETTER. be at school within 20 minutes." She lead herself out of the house.

"Jeez Mikasa, didn't have to be a bossy bitch about it."

"You shouldn't talk to your sister like that" I turned around and jumped. "..Levi.."

"So that was Mikasa?"

"Y-yeah.. Sorry if she-" I stopped talking when I felt a peck on my lips.

"Mh~" I guess he didn't care.

"Now. Go take a shower and hurry the fuck up." 0 to 100 real quick.

I nodded my head and quickly took a shower.

(end of his pov)


"Eeerreeennnn!!" A girl with bright brown hair with a lollipop sticking out of the side of her mouth and a bald boy holding her hand.

"Yo Eren! What's up!" Connie still holding her hand, waled up to him and greeted him.

"Oh, hey guys!" Eren gave his tender smile,

"So....anything neww?" Eren laughed at the smirk Sasha had on her face.


"Oi. Eren."

Connie and Sasha stayed quite. "Ooo...who is this" Sasha's smirk went to a grin.

"Let me guess, you finally found your true love?" Connie started laughing then put his hand on Eren's shoulder. "Seriously who is this"

"Uhm..he's my friend. His name is L-Levi"

Levi shot him a death glare.

"Oh. Welp. We gotta get going. Wanna walk with us.?"

Levi spoke up. "Actually, I need to talk to Eren. We'll probably be a little late."

"Alright, see you later Eren and Levi!" Sasha and Connie waved goodbye as they walked away.

"Levi, I know you don't like talking to people, but did you have to drive them away?" Eren closed his eyes and turned his back, leaving out a "Hm." Levi grabbed Eren by the wrist and headed inside his house. He closed the white door and pulled Eren into a firely kiss.

"So, you don't want people to know that we're together huh? Well, if that's how you want to be.." Levi trailed off with little neck kisses on Eren.

"Ah..L-Levi..not right n-now..we'll be l-late..ah"

Levi nibbled on Eren's ear whispering "Eren..I love it when you moan out my name..say it.." And "Your eyes are so beautiful Eren..I want to see them every single day of my life."


Levi pulled away from Eren. "I'll stop, but just because YOU don't want to be late."

Eren pulled Levi into a hug. "Thank you baby~"


I'm so tired. Due to my tiredness, the chapter might have not been as good as the other ones. I can barely keep my eyes open. It is hella late. lol. Well, thank you for reading :)

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