Our Love Has Pain Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Mikasa came home the next morning. She was spending a night at Armin's.

"I'm exhausted.." She got out her keys and opened the door.

The lights were off so Eren and Mikasa wouldn't spend their electricity.

"Ew..something smells.." She whispered as she turned on the lights.

She kept sniffing, but stopped as she saw something horrible. Her brother and his ex boyfriend sleeping in the couch, naked, with white stuff on each other.

"What the fuck!" She whispered loudly.

"Oh my god..!!" She ran upstairs while she had her hand covering her mouth.

Still not standing the smell, and what she just saw.

'The smell is all over the house! Even in my room!'

She went downstairs. "I need to get out of the house right now!" She stopped as she saw Eren getting up.

He paused. Mikasa just stood there.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Eren quickly cover his ding dong.

"AHH!" Mikasa started screaming.



They kept screaming at each other back and forth until Levi woke up. He sat up and screamed with annoyance.

"What the fuck is going on he-" He fell on the ground before he could finish his sentence. Then got up. Mikasa's and Eren's eyes were then on Levi.


"THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!" Mikasa tried looking away.

"STOP STARING!" Eren screamed and grabbed Levi and pushed him back on the couch, wrapping themselves with the pillows.

Mikasa just ran out the door screaming. "No! No! No! I'm going to Annie's! BYE!" She started her car and drove off.

"What the fuck just happened?"

"M-my sister just saw us naked, with our..stuff.. on us."


"Well. She is scarred for life." I gotta agree with Levi.


"Eren, can we talk?"

"About what?"

"The whole situation."

"You did this because you didn't want Petra to hurt me, so then someone blackmailed her into leaving us alone, finally we had sex."

Levi dropped his shirt. "Teach me your secrets."

"Seriously though, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.." I stopped Levi with a peck on the lips.

"Sh...its alright. Now let's go on a date."

"Eren Jaeger? Are you asking me out?" A smirk grew on his face.

"Maybe I am." I whispered in his ear.

"Stop that."

"What if I don't?" I gently bit his ear.

"Ah..I'm serious..ngh.." He pushed me off and walked to the bathroom.

"Don't think this is over Levi!"

I heard the water running. He was taking a shower. I wanted to take a shower with him, but I would feel like I'm bothering, not giving him to much space. Fuck it, I went in the bathroom.

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