Cute Niall Imagine for @CallMeWhatYouPlease

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You watch Niall playing football and laugh at the silly mistakes he makes. He runs up to you before hugging you. "You were great." You say.

"Thanks Lola." He says, taking the water bottle from your hand and chugging it down. "You wanna try?" He asks.

"Try what?" You ask.

"Football." He says.

"Erm nah. I'm better watching." You say.

"Oh come on you spoil sport." He says nudging you. "It'll be fun." He said, trying to persuade you.

"It's okay." You say.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says, taking you by the hand to the pitch.

"You're gonna make fun of me." You whine.

"I doubt you'll be any worse than Harry." He said, before you looked at the curly boy who was trying to kick the ball. He took you to the far end of the pitch near the goal before he stood in the goal. "Kick the ball." He said.

"Okay." You said before kicking the ball but only managing to get the ball to go. ahead a few metres. He laughed.

"Stop laughing Niall." You whine.

"Try kicking t more harder." He said.

"Okay." You say before kicking it as hard as you can. You saw the ball get to a wandering Niall who wasn't expecting the ball. He tried catching it but fell to the floor. It was your turn to laugh.

"Lola, stop laughing." He whines as you approach him. You continue laughing as you put ahand out for him. He took your hand before pulling you to his side.

"Niall, everyone's watching." You say.

"Oh well." He laughs, moving strands of hair out of your face. You see his face come closer to yours. "Niall stop. Stop it Niall." You say as you see everyone looking at you.

"Too late." He whispers before pressing his lips on to yours.

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