Brooklyn Rose

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        I looked out at the dark forest in front of me and felt proud of the kingdom I have created. No I am not the queen of London or some other country. My name is Brooklyn Rose, ruler of the island Everland. You probably have never heard of my island, however you probably know about Neverland though. Well  what if I told you that I am the on who trained Peter Pan. That was a long time ago though, before he betrayed me.

       The sound of my best friend, Syren's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "BROOOOKKKLLLYYYNNN," I heard her yell I could tell that she had to tell me something important just by the sound of her voice. "WHAT," I  yelled back wondering what she had to tell me.
Syren was one of my only friends. Her and Peter are my only friends, they are also probably the only people who like me. Syren had a hard life before she started ruling EraMore. I don't know a lot about her life prior to EraMore, but what I do know is very tragic. I know that her father abused her. I also know that one day when her father was being very mean to her the door to the island of EraMore appeared and that's how she got to EraMore, and that's about all I know.
"Peter needs our help." I heard Syren's voice break into my thoughts. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked her worry unintentionally breaking into my voice. I hated it when that happened, it made me sound weak. "Relax he isn't gonna die or anything. However he did find the heart of the most believing or whatever the kid is called." The truest believer I mentally corrected her. I was glad he finally found the kid he had been looking for him for forever. "Anyway he needs our help to get the kid to believe in him."
I thought about it for a while. Then with out a second thought I said,

"Then let's go to Neverland." And with that, we were off.

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