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I was lying on the forest floor trying to sleep but my mind was keeping me awake. My mind kept telling me that I needed to at least meet this child before I help Peter ultimately kill him. I couldn't help thinking of him like myself, hoping that someone would come and save him, only unlike me his family truly was trying to save him. My thoughts finally became too much for me and I had to get away to think about this without the fear that someone beside me would wake up and ask me questions about what I was thinking. I got up and walked through the forest not knowing where I was going and running my fingers through my brown hair. I suddenly found my feet stooping beneath me ad my legs bending to sit down. I went back to my thoughts and right when I started to come to a conclusion a voice broke my thoughts and I about screamed but decided not to when I saw who it was.
"Can't sleep?" I asked Regina who walked up to sit beside me. "Well yes and I also saw that you were gone and I was afraid that Peter might have taken you." I felt my heart warm at those words, I couldn't remember a time when someone besides my mother, sister, or Syren said something like that to me. "Thank you Regina." "For what?" She asked me seeming genuinely surprised. "For caring about me." I said and I felt a smile creep onto my face.
"Brook I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but what is going on with you. I mean you are always withdrawing yourself from the group and I don't think I've heard you utter a word until just now." With that I knew that I couldn't hide anything from this woman, so I told her about everything, expect of course about being a spy. "Have you ever had your own father think of you as nothing more than a stupid child who he hated? Have you ever had a whole country hate you for something you didn't do? I have spent almost my whole life hating myself and wondering if there was something I could have done to save them." I finished, sobbing."Brook your real family may have abandoned you but you will always have us." I didn't know what to say, I have never felt so awful in my life. Regina was here taking me in as family and I was a spy for the enemy. I began sobbing harder. "Hey, just remember that I have made some awful mistakes in my life but people have still managed to forgive me." "Regina I can't thank you enough." "No problem kid now let's go back to the camp."
I had managed to sneak away from the camp and traveled towards Peter's camp. "BROOK?!?!" I heard Syren yell and run towards me wrapping her arms around me in a hug. "Get your dirty hands off me!" I yelled pushing her away. "Thanks for the warm welcome." I could see Syren roll her eyes. "What are you doing here anyway," She asked me. "Well, I came to meet the boy, Henry." "Why would you want to do that?!?!" I thought of how to explain this without sounding like I was turning good. "You know I can't lie to you Syren, the truth is, I feel bad for this kid." "Wow Brooklyn Rose actually has feelings," Syren sad only half sarcastic. "Just go Syren," I said impatiently. "Alright, alright," Syren said walking towards Peter's camp.
"There he is," Syren said pointing towards a boy in a red flannel tee shirt and short brown hair who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen. I started walking towards the boy unsure of what I would even say. Hey I am spy for Peter who is probably going to kill you. Oh and guess what, your family's here but I can't take you too them. "Are you sure about this Brook," Syren asked me unsure. "If you want the truth I don't know, but I do know that if I don't do this I will hate my self forever." More than I already do for doing this, I added silently in my head. And with that, I walked over to the boy whom I was helping kill. "Hey kid," I said sitting down on a log in front of him. "W-who are you," he asked seeming worried, " Do you work for Pan?" I knew that I couldn't tell this kid about his family being here even though my heart was screaming at me to do so. "Of course I work for Peter stupid. Oh and by the way I am Brooklyn Rose ruler of the island kingdom of Everland." "Oh that's who you are I read about you in my book. You and Syren are best friends right?" I was in a story book. What kind of person would want to read about me? "Wait hold up kid, what story book," I asked somewhat afraid of the answer. "It's a story book about all the fairytales." I remember my mother reading fairytales to me when I was a kid and now I was a fairytale, but definitely not one for little kids. "Hey do you know if my family is here?" I could hear my heart screaming at me to say something like, Yes I do they're looking for you and I will help them find you. However my brain won out and I said," Look kid, I don't know anything about your stupid family, but I do know that you should just give up on them. They're never coming back for you! I waited for my family and look where that got me. Listen to me kid just give up and let go of your childish hope." I knew I didn't mean any of that towards him. It was more of something I've known to be true about me forever, but I just got the courage to actually say it out loud and it couldn't have been at a worse time. "You don't understand my family is different." I knew that that was true but I had already dug myself into a hole so deep that I couldn't dig myself out. "No they're not kid." I could feel tears slicing doing my face like knives. I couldn't even remember the last time that I cried, I never cried any more, I just yelled. I decided that I shouldn't have even come here, so I just left. I could hear Syren and the kid crying out to me asking me where I was going and what I was doing. But I didn't care, I just kept walking.

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