Brew of the True Self

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       I couldn't believe he was here. I wasn't exactly happy about him being back either. I was still trying to gain back the group's trust after all. I couldn't help him this time, I can't self-destruct every time he needs something. I had to tell someone, someone who just might believe me, Syren.
I walked over to where Syren was sitting against the rails of the ship, basically alone.
"Hey," I said softly counting on the fact that she was still mad at me. The glare she sent me confirming that fact.
"What do you want? Come to cry with me over Peter?"
"No," I answered dragging out the o, "Sorta the the opposite actually."
        "Alright, tell me why your here then."
       "He's back," I said immediately and without hesitation.
       "What do you mean he's back," Syren asked.
       "This is going to sound crazy-"
       "Everything you say sounds crazy," Syren cut me off laughing.
       "Thanks," I said sarcastically, shaking my head, "anyway, he somehow switched bodies with Henry."
       "And you know this how?"
        "Uh he told me."
         "Why would he do that," Syren asked disbelievingly.
       "Hell if I know! Probably thinks I'll help him like I always have, but I refuse to do that this time."
"Alrighty then, let's go tell the group and-"
"NO," I yelled a little too loudly causing almost everyone to turn their heads, and also making me blush profusely.
"And why not, do you still care about Peter. If you do what makes me think I should trust you," Syren said whispering yelling.
"I-I don't care about him," I tried to coverup my outburst smoothly, but failed miserably. "I just think that, maybe it wouldn't be the best idea because they'll try to kill him," I continued.
"And that's a bad thing because," Syren trailed off
"Well," I tried to think of a better reason than 'I still care about him', " if they kill him then we'll never get a real answer as to what actually happened while I was away in Everland and whether or not he had anything to do with it."
"Nice job for coming up with something on the spot."
"I thought so," I said timidly.
"What do you actually want to do to him once we figure out how to switch them back," she asked skepticism laced into her words.
"Uh well I haven't exactly gotten that far yet, uh we could maybe... OH, I know! There's a prison back in Everland, under my castle-"
"Of course you would have a prison under your castle," Syren interrupted.
       "You better be happy I do because that's where we can keep Peter once we figure out how to separate him from Henry."
       "Ok so I'm guessing that you have a plan, right?"
       "Of course I do," I said smirking, "first of all some ingredients then I'll mix them together to create a potion called the Brew of the True Self. Basically if both Henry and Pan take it, not necessarily at the same time, their bodies will morph into what they really like, hopefully without killing them."
       "What do you mean hopefully?!" Syren whisper-screamed.
       "I've never tried it myself, but I've heard that it works." I replied.
       "What makes you think we should try it then?"
       "Oh I don't know, maybe because it's our only choice!" I said getting louder as I went on.
       "Fine, but I don't like it! What do you need for this stupid potion anyway?"
       "First of all it's not stupid and second of all it's a brew, not a potion," I corrected Syren and quickly started speaking again to make sure that she didn't have anything to add, "anyway to make it you have to mix the blood of the person creating it along with the two people that you need to switch,  something from the home of Henry and Peter, and last but not least a string of pure gold. "
       "Damnnn, where are we going to get a string of pure gold? Are we going to have steal anything?"
       "Well to answer your first question a little birdie told me that our very own Rumplestilskin  has a shop in Storybrooke and to simply answer your other question, yes we will have to steal something."
       "Great now we're criminals." Syren sighed.
       "Oh come on we were criminals a very long time ago."
       "True. Now another question how are we going to get Henry and Peter's blood?"
       "Well I have a feeling that Henry will just give us his blood but Pan, well that will be a little harder, but don't worry I have a plan for that too."
       "We'll go on then." Syren urged me on.
       "Pride, power, and lastly greed. Tell me Syren, what do all of these things have in common?"
       Syren thought for a moment then answered, "I don't know! What does this even have to do with anything?"
       "Everything! They're all Pan's downfalls! We can use them against him! I'll convince him that I'm on his team and can give him something that he wants but to do it I need his blood."
       "Perfect. What's something that he wants though? Oh I know he desperately wants to be more powerful, what if you convinced him that you could convince him that you would make him more powerful."
       "That's the perfect idea!" I said smiling. "Now I'm going to go get some sleep." I finished making my way down to the crew's quarters where I slept.
       "Night!" Syren yelled after me.

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