Back to camp

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After we got back to the house Travis told me it was time to go. I quickly went to my room and packed the few things I brought (except the plant, I'll keep it there to brighten up the place). After that I said my goodbyes to everyone and we left.

During the ride to camp it was Connor's turn to fall asleep in the back. Perfect, now I have time to talk to Travis.

"So Travis," I started, "Your mom told me that you've liked me for awhile now... is that true?"

He was silent for a moment. Of course not, she lives with prankers of course she would be one...


Oh my gods what. "Really?"

Travis sighed. "No, I just told that to my mom to pull a prank on you. Of course it's true! I might mess around but I don't mess around with feelings."

"Good." I said quietly.

"You like me right? This isn't just me confessing my love for you and then you not returning them?" He asked. I thought about it. I did like Travis...

"No. I, um, I like you too Travis." He smiled.

It was silent for a few moments but something then slid into my open hand. It was Travis's hand. I small smile broke out on my face.

"Hey maybe next year I can visit your family for Thanksgiving? You now, since you visited mine this year."

"Trust me, you don't want to meet my family..."

"What could be so bad?"


Happy PRANKSgivingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora