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Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters the belong to their rightful owners all I own is the plot.

Hey guys this is not a chapter as u have noticed its just my note as the author for u guys anyways im writing this fanfic based on my idea of pairing orochimaru with my OC since he was the only one without a pair so in this fanfic orochimaru is a mad scientist who is hated by everyone but misa my OC is going to change his life he wears a purple shirt with jeans . All of u neji fans i know its sad that neji got killed and i was literally crying when he was killed . But anyways r main character os orochimaru this time his going to have romantic sweet and nice side in this fanfic.

Orochimaru Meets Misa Misa Falls In Love With OrochimaruWhere stories live. Discover now