carnival date

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Normal POV
There was a carnival in town
There were stage performances mini stalls with food and games. "Misa looked like she was having fun" orochimaru thought smirking . first they played a game where they have to fill up a 2cms away with a water gun and the person who pops their ballom with the water gun wins and suprising misa was good at it for her first time so we end up getting 25 tickects next we played a game where there were like 20 bottles with different numbers on it on the table and what ever bottle the ring lands on you get to choose the prize from the number  with number of the bottle, they gave 20 rings for $3 and again suprisingly misa was good at this game too she got all the rings on all of the bottles which means she got 40 prizes with 30 tickets . Then we played a game where if you hit the target the person on  top on dunking tube gets dunked and misa hit the target so the guy got duncked after he dried off & gave us 15 tickets and she played more games we got 15 tickets, 30 tickets, 25 tickets ,  15 tickets , and 10 tickets for those games. After that orochimaru got 13, 15, 20, 35, 20, 25 ,30 ,20 tickets for all the games he played. In total they got a lot of prizes with the tickets. Since they have been running around for a playing games they got some food and relaxed on some chairs.

Misa's POV
Orochimaru-kun are you having fun i asked him he simply nodded with a smile on his face the he came closer closing in the gap between both of their faces 40 20 16 18 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 he closes the gap between us and kissed me after he kissed me he blushed and said " I had fun with you today lets go on another date soon I feel like im falling loving with you more and more." i blushed after he said that then we parted into different ways to their houses.

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