one hundred and forty

213 8 11

beth: they wouldn't tell me
ryan: what?

beth: they wouldn't tell me why she's staying there

beth: neither of them would tell me
beth: she only told me she got kicked out and has nowhere else to stay
 beth: gah it's driving me insane

ryan: look honey

ryan: i'm gonna give you some great advice

ryan: calm the fuck down

ryan: she just got kicked out
ryan: like

ryan: from what you've told me

ryan: i don't really like this rianne girl at all

ryan: she's fucking annoying to be honest

ryan: but

ryan: she just got kicked out
ryan: and you didn't reply her messages

ryan: she was probably gonna tell you about it
ryan: but you were far too high up in your own ass with zach

beth: hey! that's rude! are you my friend or hers?!

ryan: yours

ryan: but look
ryan: can't you sympathise?

ryan: she just got kicked out

ryan: she just got kicked out
ryan: she just got kicked out

beth: okay i get it i get it

beth: stop making me feel bad

ryan: just... trust zach okay?

ryan: he's trying to mend his relationship with you

ryan: so you owe him some trust

a/n: whew that was a lot to write! and suddenly i have like 29039 notifications so that only means one thing... ANOTHER READER IS READING TEXT MESSAGES!! welcome to the family :') and by the way babes, i can actually see the end of this book... maybe in the next 40 chapters... or 30... or 100... or fIVE... but it's gonna end soon. so start writing ur farewell messages for these characters!!

also if you guys want to read any of my other works, that'd be fine

and  by other works, i only mean the "king & queen of summershade" heheh

and perhaps soon i'll update laughter lines!! :-)
and who else is starting to like ryan????

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