Chapter 2.

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'Tears stream down your face' the voices of Coldplay sing into Kaia’s ears through her earphones, she only company she had while walking home. The words rung true, but there was no one that can fix her. The dramatic song continued to play in the silence of the abandoned sidewalk as Kaia thought about her relationship with Nate. They were both so young, with not a lot to worry about. They were just finishing school, this was meant to be a happy time from the, not be being scared for her life. Her and Nate had gotten together about a year ago; it was love at first sight. But since then, things changed, Nate changed. He got aggressive, not being able to keep control of his anger; he would take it out on her. He would always say he was sorry afterwards. But that didn’t change again thing. It’s crazy how someone can change so much in a year.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she changed the song and stuffed it back in where it was before and hoped that nothing else will disturb her 'peaceful' walk home. But much to her dismay, the world clearly had other ideas. Jake rolled down the tinted window, a smirk evident to his lips. With that, she spun around on her heels and carried on walking, hoping Jake would get the hint. But no, the boy obviously didn't know how to read body language. "Do you need a ride?" He called in his deep husky voice, one you can't just ignore. It brings you in, and there is not getting out of its trap. It's so magical.

"No, fuck off." She rolled her eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that day, but she didn't stop walking. If you stop, it meant that he had won. He could never win against her.

"Kaia, its about to rain, get in." He called. Still she didn't stop walking, pretending like she didn't hear anything from him. Stuffing her headphones back in, she hurried along the sidewalk. "Kaia." He called again, still behind her, but this time much more loudly. So loud, she could hear him over the music, spinning around quickly out of fright, she lost her footing and tumbled towards the ground. Her phone slipped out of her hand, falling along with the headphones. Bracing herself of the impact from the hard concrete of the sidewalk, she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it wouldn't hurt; but the contact never came. Instead, she felt two strong arms wrapped around her waist, stopping her from falling. Looking up at the person who technically saved my life. Jake looked down at her with concern evident in his eyes. His bright honey eyes could make anyone fall into a trance. The golden specks lighting up, as she looked deep into them, the feeling that they had behind them, she couldn't quite get her head around it.

His dirty blond hair was styled to perfection, buzzed at the sides and jelled up, off his forehead. Resisting the want to reach out and touch it, she released the grip that she had on his shirt, her hands dropped to her sides, as he returned her to the upright position. "I better get home. April will be wondering where I am." She mumbled awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck as Jake released her and took a step back, giving her some personal space.

"I'll take you." He shrugged, bending down to pick up her phone, checking it over to make sure it wasn't broken, then handing it back. No matter what he did, he always looked like a typical bad boy; it wasn’t a surprise that him and Nate became best friends. Following him as he started walking back to the car, Jake opened the door to the car and she placed herself inside the comfortable seat. Jake then started up the car with a loud raw and pressed down on the pedal, making the car take off down the small back lane of downtown Los Angeles.

Pulling up to the gated street of Calabasas, Jake stopped the car outside the mansion. Taking her seatbelt off, Kaia pulled the handle opening the door, getting out. "Thanks for the ride." She mumbled closing the door behind her as the first drops of rain began to pore down from the dark sky above. Jogging to the gate that blocked off the driveway, she typed the code in on the screen, making the gates swing open. She didn't look back when she heard Jake's car drive off down the road to his house. "Hey." Kaia’s mother greeted as the entered the home. Putting her bag down on the wooden floorboards, Kaia kicked her shoes off and walked passed her mother to go up the stairs. "How was school?" She called as Kaia made her way up to the bedroom. She nodded her head and carried on walking, not saying anything. Her and her mother didn't really speak much, she to busy with work. "I'm off to work, I'll be back late so don't wait up. April will make you dinner." She smiled zipping up her black jacket over her gray tailored suit. Closing the door behind her. Samantha works as a lawyer for the rich and famous. Every celebrity goes to her; she's the best around, and yet she never has time for her own daughter. With Kaia’s dad out of the picture, you would think she'd spend all the time in the world with her. But to her, work came first.

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