Chapter 13.

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“Nate Clark?” William questioned, holding up his police badge to the boy who answered the door. Nate nodded his head at him groggily, looking like he had only just woken up, dressed in only a pair of oversized baby blue sweatpants. His hair was typical bed head, strands of hair flying in every different direction, some falling onto his forehead. “You need to come with us, we just have a few questions for you.” The tall man spoke, arms straight by his side, dark sunglasses covering his eyes. Two more Officers stood behind him, waiting by the car.

Nate recognized him as soon as he spoke. “Why the fuck do you want to talk to me for?” He spat, running a hand though his messy hair.

“You didn’t think just because you were released, you were off the hook now did you?” His smirk grew with each passing second, his eyes widening in delight that he had Nate speechless.

Hearing the yelling at screaming, Nate’s mother appeared at the door. “What’s going on?” She asked confused, looking over at the son and the police officer.

Taking off his sunglasses to greet her he fill her in with why he was standing on her property. “Your son here is being investigated for an Sexual Assault charge Mrs.” She cupped her mouth as her eyes widened, looking at her son with a shocked expression. “You would be making this a lot more easier on yourself if you cooperated with me.” William informed, placing his glasses back on his face. Disappearing quickly, he ran up the stairs, to his bedroom, grabbed the first thing he could find, pulled it on over his chest, slipped on a pair of black vans, he ran back down to see that his father had joined as well. “Good boy.” William smirked, taking him by both arms as he escorted Nate to the car, much to his displeasure. Placed between the other officers, Nate sat in silence during the short ride to the station.

Officer William brought Nate into a small gray room, with gray walls and yellow lighting; the room was cold and eerie. In the middle of the room, were a large rectangular table and two chairs place on either side of it, on the left side of the room, on the wall was a large, one-way window, nothing was visible from this side. “Sit,” William ordered as Nate wondered into the room, leaning against the counter, William sighed. His face was solemn almost sympathetic, in Nate’s opinion, it made the situation all the more tense. But as Nate did as he was told as he fought the urge to throw a tantrum.

William began calmly, sitting on the seat on the opposite side of table, resting his back against the cold metal bars. “Listen here son—” he began before Nate interrupted him.

“I’m not your son,” Nate spat furiously, his eyes heavy with anger.

“It’s called figure of speech,” William seethed through his clenched teeth, his cool eyes piercing through to Nate’s dark ones, in a way that told him that if he didn’t stay quiet there would be consequences. He lent forward, now resting his bony elbows on the desk. Looking next to him was a recorder. Pressing play, a faint buzzing sound started, as the machine began to work.

Watching the dial turn within the machine for a second, Nate then focused his eyes back to William. “Just tell me what the hell you brought me here for,” Nate leaned back against the seat, kicking his legs up on the metal table in front of him as he held his hands locked behind his head. “You guys are starting to bore me with the same old shit.” He mumbled bored, looking up above him, he noticed a security video and waved at the small device, smiling sarcastically.

“If I were you, I’d watch your mouth Clark. One wrong word and I can and will have you locked up.” William threatened darkly, “I’m here to help.” He said lowly, his eyes bordering into the boy opposite him. 

Scoffing, Nate held his head in his hands in frustration. “Help? You know shit. You don’t what to help me, you just want to punish me.” Nate hissed. He wasn’t going to back down especially to some cop who would do anything to send him down.

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