Chapter nine

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Louis was discharged a few days later, but he wasn't aloud to go back to kick boxing for another week, so he moped a lot of the time. I also found myself over a lot more. When ever Emily came, I usually came with her.

"Don't forget about that paper." Emily says, reminding me. She'll make a good mom someday.

"I know, I know." I say, and roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me young lady. I was remind you since Lou won't have anything to do, maybe you could get it done and turn it in." Emily says.

"Em, what would I do without you?" I ask.

"Living." Emily says and I burst out laughing.

"True true. Since no one besides you can cook. We would burn the house down."

"Now you know why I don't let you cook?" Emily says, a smile on her face.

I laugh even harder, tears coming out of my eyes. Emily chuckle along, and we pull into the boys drive way. We step out, and I'm still laughing.

"Carly, stop laughing." Emily says, trying not to laugh.

"I-I-I-" I get out and another round of giggles come out.

"Oh goodness." Emily says.

I start laughing so hard, Emily has to pull me to get me to walk. Mind you, I have no idea why I'm finding this so funny. Emily opens the door and pushes me in.

"Second floor, fourth room to your right." Emily says and I turn to the stairs.

"Thank you." I say, and start climbing the stairs.

I wander down the hallway and into Lou's room. He had headphones on, his eyes closed and his head softly bobbing to the beat of the music. I quietly took off my shows and crept over to him. I slowly sat down on the bed, and then slowly laid down. He had a purple tank top on, and some brown cargo pants. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into him. I kissed his cheek, pushing my limits. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he smiled.

"Hey." He says breathlessly, while he takes off his headphone.

"Hi." I reply, smiling.

"You're cute, I hope you know that." Lou says.

I blush and reply with, "but not as hot as you."

Louis face turns dark, and he stiffens.

"I'm not hot Carly, I'm a monster." He mumbles.

"No you aren't. You are a really nice guy." I agrue back.

"No Carly. I'm a monster." Louis says, not looking at me.

"Look at me." I demand.

His eyes slowly find mine, like he really doesn't want to do it.

"You are perfect." I slowly say.

Louis huffs and I smile, knowing I have won. He wraps his arms around me, and pulls me into his chest. I smile and snuggle into him.

"Lou? I have to work on that paper, and Em thinks its such a great time to do it with everything going on." I say,sitting up a little bit.

"Okay, do you want to use my laptop to start writing?" Lou asks, and reaches over to a little table sitting next to his bed.

He pulls it onto the bed and turns it on. He logs in, and clicks on Word. He turn the computer to me, and sits up and leans against his headboard, looking at me.

"Okay, let's get started." I say, and sit next to him, with the laptop on my lap.

"What do you want to know?" Lou asks.

"Everything. Your childhood, why you moved here, things about yourself, your friends, favourite things to do, that stuff." I say.

"Okay....My childhood was normal, I grew up in a nice house, went to school, got in trouble at school, dated a girl or two, my mom divorced my dad and married another guy, and I got four little sisters. Everything went down the hill at sixteen. I got caught up in the wrong crowd, I start smoking, drinking getting tattoos and started one night stands. I could never hold a girlfriend then more then a week, and I had a new one every other week." Lou says and I'm typing away.

I'm trying to get all his words, not

wanting to miss out on anything.

"I moved here as soon as I turned 18. I couldn't stand living at home and I wanted a new place to start over. That's when I picked up kick boxing. I met these guys and we have been friends ever since. I meet Emily and Emi a few years later, and I screwed up my relationship with Emi..but Emily was able to forgive me...."

"What did you do to Emi?" I ask.

"I killed her boyfriend in a kick boxing match."



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