Happy Father's Day Your Fave Mindless Behavior Boy

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You and Yfmbb have been dating for 4 years and married for 2 and have 2 kids. A boy named Chris who's 3 and a little girl named Lilly who's 1. Every year he gets something new. This year you picked  really fun for the family and later some private time *wink wink*


At Your House In The Morning  

Chris: *whispers* mommy......mommy get up

You: hm *rubbing your eyes* 

Chris: *whispers* get up

You slid out of Yfmbb's arms without waking him grab Lilly and go into the kitchen and start cooking and the kids make pictures. A few minutes later the foods done. Yall go upstairs with the food  and put it on the bed stand  and grab your phone and put on the video camera and start recording.

You: ok babies  wake daddy up

they start jumping on him and laughing till he woke up and hugged them and kissed their cheeks.

Yfmbb: morning  guys 

Chris: Happy father's day daddy *smiles* 

You:  we made breakfast

Yfmbb: oh really *smiles and tickles Lilly*

 You: yep *hands him the plate* Chris go get the cards

Chris runs and gets the cards and hands them to Yfmmb and he reads them and hugs the kids

Lilly: da-da *her first ever words*

Yfmbb: aww *kisses her cheek*

You: well after you eat were going to an amusment park 

Yfmbb:  really? *sounding like a little kid*

You: now hurry up and eat

After yall eat, shower, and get dressed yall go to an amusment park called "Crazy Fun land" Yall have tons of fun and alot of pictures. As Yall drive back home  and the kids are knocked out (9:30). Yall put them in their own rooms and go to yalls bedroom.

You: babe *kinda nervous*

Yfmbb: yes love?

You: i-i-i um..

Yfmbb: you can tell me anything *hugs you from behind*

You:*you turn around and wrap your arms around his neck*im *sigh*

Yfmbb: *kisses you softly* tell me

You: *tears far* im pregnant again

Yfmbb: *lets go and starts pacing and starts talking fast* oh my gosh were gonna have another baby. What if its a girl or a boy or twins or triplets.

You: slow down we dont even know what im having

Yfmbb: i dont care how many kids we have ill always be there for you! *spins you around* how many months are you 

You: 1

Yfmbb: well this was suppost to wait till your birthday but i guess i can do this now *goes to the closet and grabs a small box and flowers and gets on one knee* Yn i've loved you since you went to our concert for the M&G. I've never stopped thinking about you. I've always wanted to start a family with you and im happy you love me enough to do this i wanna take it up another step and as you to marry me. So (your first name) (your middle name) (your last name) will you marry me.

You: *nodding your head speachless*

Yfmbb: *puts the ring on her finger and hugs her*

So yall get married #TM loves you you have some haters but still. Yall go thro up and downs but work thro them. Yall Live Happily Ever After


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