Chapter Four

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I remember Grandma keeping me conscious throughout falling. Jessica was biting her tongue and I was afraid that she'd bite through it. Strange thing to think when you could potentially die on impact. Papa was straining to keep us all together. Then, we bounced when hitting the ground, like a forcefield was around us. We bounced twice before rolling into a tree, which shattered the forcefield, which caused the dust to fly up and not settle. I was still uncomfortably squished under Papa and Jess.

"What the-" I heard from outside the dust cloud. "Cas what's going on?"

"Mary," Papa said.

"I'm fine." Grandma groaned. "Jessica? MJ?"

"Fine!" Jessica yelped. "Squished, but fine."

"I'm still tired." I said. "And also very squished."

"You're tired?" Grandma said. I nodded. "Only you, MJ."

"WHO'S THERE?" The same voice yelled again. "Show yourself!"

"Imma gunna kill that boy," Papa grumbled. "He doesn't even have a knife."

"Sam or Dean?" Grandma asked with a wide smile.

"Sam," Jessica smiled too.

"COME OUT!" Sam yelled again.

"Well let us get our bearings first, Sam." Papa said mostly to himself.

"How do you know my name?" Sma demanded, I heard his footsteps getting closer.

"Papa, Jess, " I said a little louder than necessary. "You're squishing me." Grandma made a strangled sound.

"You're crushing us, John!" She smirked.

"Are you trying to get them to jump me?" Papa hissed, smiling in disbelief.

"John, you are kinda heavy." Jess said, catching on.

"Oh, I see how it is."

"You're the the man here." Grandma said, sitting up on her elbows. "Or are you too out of practise?"

"COME OUT!" Sam yelled again. "Who are you?"

"Oh, he's dense." I said. Grandma flicked my ear. "Hey, he's unarmed and yelling at us to come out into the open, where we would be vulnerable. Jess, I'm dying to know how he got into law school."

"And if there was a good answer to that, I'd tell you." Jess said. "But I have none, so I shan't."

"Could I please get some names?" Sam yelled, exasperated.

"If you had ears, you would have heard them already!" I said loudly. "Seeing as we're making it painfully obvious as to who we are without actually tell you!" Someone laughed.

"Oh my-" You could practically hear Sam roll his eyes. "Are you hurt? Look we're just trying to... Dean? What are we doing?"

Papa snorted. "We're fine, Jess, Mary and MJ are squished apparently beneath me but fine."

"You could get off you know," Grandma said pointedly. "And then I could go hug my sons."

"I'm old!" Papa wailed dramatically. "I've crash landed and I can't get up!"

"Old my butt!" Bobby called from behind us. "Get off your rump, John!"

Papa rolled off us and Jess on top of him. "Jessica, you're crushing me!" Papa groaned.

"Yeah I bet I am." Jess said as she stood up, helping me and Grandma up.

"Sam, Dean," a gravelly voice said from the still unsettled dust cloud. "Just know that it really is them. They are not tricks.

"Really, 'cause I think I just heard my dad make a joke." A slightly familiar voice said. "And it was normal, 'dad-joke'!"

"I'll ground you if you say that again." Papa rolled his eyes. "Dean, you hear me?"

"Oh, my God," my dad gulped. "Dad?" He squeaked.

"What, have you gone back to before puberty?" Papa asked, a smile on his face.

"No, sir!" My dad said with a forced depth to his voice. I laughed. "You going to come out or what, old man?" My dad asked, his voice back to 'normal', I guess.

Jess, Grandma, and Papa all rushed out of the dust cloud but I stayed behind, My dress with still pure white, the dirt and grime just being absorbed. My hair was perfect, too. I didn't so much worry about how I looked; but they deserved their moment. I could hear everyone else making their way to Dean and Sam and 'Cas'-whoever he was. I heard another female voice and I heard Bobby call them 'Jodi'. That must be Sheriff Mills, I heard a lot about her.

I sighed, they'd notice I wasn't there soon, I thought, shuffling forward. What if he didn't like me? What if he thought I was a mistake? What if he didn't want to be my dad? What if he just ignored me? I could see silhouettes now.

Then I was moving out of the cover of the dust that was finally settling in the dry night air. I kept my head down and I bit my lip. I looked up through my thick, long lashes and I could see Jess and Sam wrapped up in each other. I smiled a little.

I moved forward a few more steps until I was just outside of the throng. I hardly noticed when someone was making their way over to me until they knelt in front of me. My breath caught. It was my dad.

The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were the first thing everyone said about me that reminded them of my dad. Now I can see why; they're a candy apple green, but they're sad. His eyes are like a diamond that was just found; dull looking with a shine peaking through; a happiness poking through, reaching the surface and sparking-even in the dark.

The next thing was all the scars on his face, they were small, like scrapes that were once deep but now they're faded and you'd have to look for them to see them. Most of these were on his cheeks and neck, like he'd cut himself on his poor shaving job. His stubble looked purposefully done, like he was making himself look tougher than he really was. Like he needed to be feared by everyone else; like the only people who needed to see him as loveable were the people who felt the need to love him.

The last thing that stuck out to me was his smile. I heard that a lot of times, he forces a smile and he's gotten good at doing that. But his smile now seemed natural, like he found a happiness in life and the only thing that I could conclude was that he was just happy that everyone he's loved was back and he could finally have a happy ending, or really, a happy middle. I was worried that he was going to scowl at me, tell me to get lost.

That didn't happen.

"You're beautiful, baby," Dean Winchester whispered, putting his hands on my cheeks. "So beautiful." He wiped under my eyes and I could feel myself crying. His smile faltered a little bit. "Don't cry, please don't cry." He muttered, frowning in concern.

I shook my head and, slowly at first, wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him. I smiled. My dad hugged back, cradling my head the way Papa did when I was younger. I sniffled. "Hi, Daddy," I said, my voice cracked a little.

"Hi, baby," Dad murmured, rocking me slightly. He shifted so I was sitting on his lap. "Hi, Mary-Jessica." He kissed the side of my head and suddenly, I couldn't remember why I was so nervous anymore.     

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