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"Well...I was bored...so I came to see if...well...if there's anything I could read. A...and this book's attracted me..." I lifted the book up for _ to see. "Now Ma'am, it's getting late. Let me bring you up to your room." _ clearly ignored me.

We sauntered down the dark and narrow corridor, watching out for any sharp items lying around on the ground. It was very quiet. Too quiet. But then, all of a sudden, THUD! THUD! THUD!-Came a loud knock from the main door just a few feet away. That scared the both of us out of our wits.

_ warned,"Stay here! I'll go and see." He moved slowly, but with caution, as every step took him nearer to the door. He rested his hand on the handle, then, flung it wide open for all to see. "Oh dear me...Sir...you're finally here!" The man standing at the door was well built, and about five feet taller than _. He had a voice like thunder which would rule the seas..."Would you let me in? It's raining!"...and a sense of humour

_ led the way in. The man, however, was not alone. He had many followers behind him. What drew my attention was the mark on him. Same mark again...

"We heard about Madam. We deeply grief..."
"Sir...I apologise."
"That's why we are here!" He banged the table with his right fist. They were now in the main hall. "There is not much time left."

"Who are you?" I decided that I could not contain my mouth. I need answers!
"Well, well, well. You must be Madam's daughter! Nice to meet you." He raised out his hand for me to shake but I simply ignored it. "Hmmm...defensive...like Madam." He smiled.

"Okay. Here's what I want to say so you listen. _ hasn't been giving me answers so tell me what on earth is going on!" I felt like crying. I was so confused. If only Mother was here.
"There, there. It's okay. Calm d-"
"I'm not a kid, Sir." I walked off. Those people with those stupid tattoos...

I sat on my bed, hands in my face, feeling disappointed. Why me? There are so many people out there....
"Thud! Thud! Thud!" This time, it was lighter. "Go away..." I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. Too many questions. Why won't they answer them? The door creaked open. A boy about 5' 10" stepped in.

There was something about him that caught my attention. I guess it didn't hurt to say that he was a good looking boy. His hair, dark and lustrous, had a sheen like fine hardwood. But that comparison isn't entirely fair, I suppose. Hardwood doesn't swish gently like his hair does. A shiny varnish catches merely light around it, but the depths of that deep chestnut brown reflected all the radiance of his smile. There was something special swimming in his eyes. Their stunning, deep blue held a truth that his face could not hide—just like mine. It felt like family. He is slumped against the wall, probably thinking about what to say.

I looked away. Some part of my mind tells me that grief has to take over. I have to first digest reality before making friends again. I rested my head on my blue pillow and closed my eyes. Seconds later, there was a tap on my shoulder and I almost jumped. It was that brown-haired boy. He gave me a smile as I turned towards him. "I'm sorry. Did I give you a shock? I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Nicholas, the son of that man just now." He smiled brightly again. I didn't know what to say. Why is he telling me this? These are not the answers that I want.

"Erm...I don't know how to start this but your mum was one of us-"
"Yes. I know." I said abruptly. I was fed up.
"Okay. Good. So, now I will tell you one more thing. You are important to us. We will keep you alive. Your name was for disguise. You are Nicky, but I can call you Nick, right?"
"Nick? That's a guy's name!" I giggled a little.
"You laughed! I was getting worried about that gloomy face." I felt embarrassed. I didn't want to smile.
"Okay. Enough. Get out." I stated.

I haven't smiled in a while. It felt good.

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