•* Day 1

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"This is your warning"

"Hey Lou, there's Harry...what do you plan on doing to him today" asks Niall while Louis reapplied his lipstick for the third time today "hmm...I dunno, what should I do Niall" Louis asks thinking of how he could torture Harry today.

"What I think you should do is stop teasing him so much before he reacts and dark Harry isn't pretty" Niall explains while cringing at the thought of a mad Harry after Louis "hm..I haven't seen his dark side..maybe I should-" Niall cuts him off by saying "No! Lou I'm not letting you trigger him" Niall says sternly.

"Whatever ya big baby, he won't hurt me I'm to pretty to hit" Louis chuckles and with that he kissed him in the cheek and skipped off to lunch.

As Louis was making his way to the lunchroom he was trying to spot the curly haired lad, while he was getting lunch he finally found Harry sitting with he assumed were his friends. She he got his lunch he found a seat right next to Harry and sat down right next to him.

"Hey Harry, hey Harry's friends" they all say they're hello's but little did they know what he was doing to Harry, as they were talking having regular conversation Louis was resting his hand on Harry's thigh moving higher and higher until it rested on his crotch. At this point Harry was squirming and sweating wanting to just teach Louis a lesson, "you alright mate? You seem off right now" his friend Ashton says and Harry just nodded in response trying to hold back a moan.

"Yeah you seem...off" Louis says rubbing up and down on Harry's now growing erection, "just f-fine thanks just need to use the bathroom" he says rushing off.


Once Harry fixed his 'problem' he tried plotting a way to teach Louis a lesson he didn't know when or how but he was gonna do it. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a certain someone smacking his bum which was Louis, "hey Harry, thinking about me?" He chuckles while messed with the waistband of his pants.

"Yeah, the way you teased me earlier was not cool but I'm letting you off with a warning today, you better stop before you see another side to me" he says in a serious tone and Louis simply ignores his warning while a small laugh escaped his lips. He walked up to Harry and whispered "but I thought you liked this" he says as he kisses his neck making the taller lad shutter from the touch, "you know you like it Harry, what I do to you and I know you want me to do plenty of other things that are more than what I'm doing now" and now at this point Harry was on the verge of cuming in his pants just by Louis's words.

"I'm warning you Louis your day will come and you won't expect it" he says as he starts to leave, "what ever Harold" he chuckles as he fixes his hair in the mirror.


Ok so new story and this is gonna be another one of my crappy detailed stories please Comment what you think I love your comments the make my day and vote because that also shows signs of liking this book lol

Love you guys


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