Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

I’m sorry it’s taken so long to update! I got distracted with school and all that shitty drama.. But luckily it is summer now and I have an itch to write! J

Niall’s POV:

It’s been four weeks since that specific interview and things have been…well, different.  Harry seems to be keeping his distance from me yet he has been nicer… That doesn’t make sense, does it?  Well he smiles at me often and compliments me on things I do though he doesn’t like to be too close to me.  On the upside, tour has been in full swing for nearly two weeks now and that definitely distracts my mind from Harry. …sort of.

“Niall! Where you at?” I heard Zayn’s voice call out from just outside the tour bus. I looked around myself, realizing I had completely gotten lost in my thoughts and was staring at the bathroom mirror. I quickly pulled my shirt and shoes on before running out to find Zayn.

“There you are.” Zayn smiled at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“Sorry, was brushing my teeth.” I mumbled with a shrug of my shoulders as Zayn led me into the stadium. The setup looked great from what I could see so far and of course, there was Louis and Harry screwing around on stage.

“And there he is! The Niallator!” Louis said in his announcer voice, rising up his arms. I chuckled as I hopped up onto the stage, grabbing my guitar to begin tuning it.


“Wooo!” Zayn exclaimed as we ran off the stage, obviously pumped from the amazing show we had just played. I felt a hand clap my back and turned my head slightly to look up at Harry, receiving a wink that made a chill run down my spine.

“What are we going to do now? Where shall we hit?” Louis laughed, prancing passed us into the backstage area where the crew was packing up our stage props.

“Ehh, I think I’m just going to head to sleep.” I shrugged, not necessarily in  the mood to deal with people.

Harry frowned slightly, looking at me but I ignored his look and just smiled as I pulled away from Harry and headed to the bus. I heard the sound of feet running after me and couldn’t help but wish it was Harry.

What’s that? Oh right, the familiar feeling of disappointment.

“Ni, you alright?” Zayn asked with concern as he fell into step beside me. “Yeah, perfectly fine. I’m just tired and would prefer to shovel down some food and then get some sleep.” I shrugged, going straight for the car that would take me to our hotel. “Room assignments?” I asked him.

“Uh.. Don’t think we have ‘em. Pretty sure we’re all just on the same floor and near each other.” Zayn said. I just simply nodded, signaling to security that I was going towards the car. Almost instantly Paul was coming over and jumping into the front seat to accompany me to the hotel, but mainly to oversee that everything got there safely and to get our rooms. “I’ll come with!” Zayn said right when I was about to close the car door in his face. “Suit yourself.” I said, scooting over as he slid in beside me.

Harry’s POV:

“So.. Still avoiding Niall?” Louis questioned me, trying to be nonchalant as he sipped his iced tea. I rolled my eyes, “Not avoiding him.” I muttered as I took a bite from my sandwich.

“Mmm hmm.. Sure you ain’t, Hazza Bear.” Louis snickered, giving me his look. I sighed and put down my food to look at him full-on. “What do you want from me Louis?” I seemed to have forgotten Liam – the clueless one – was with us at the moment, though the look of him looking between the two of us was one that showed he wasn’t all too clueless.

“Okay what is going on?” Liam finally asked, interrupting the stare-down occurring between Louis and I. “Nothing.” I snapped unintentionally, causing Liam to sit up straighter and raise an eyebrow at me. “Sorry.” I said quietly.

“I’m sick of this nothing business. This is pretty much how you two were acting a few weeks back and it had to do with Niall then too, so now I want answers.” Liam said, crossing his arms over his chest. Yikes, this could become a sticky situation.

“It’s not however you’re imagining it, Li.” Louis said, surprisingly defending me. Probably because he knew how Liam and Zayn got when it came to Niall.

“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. All I know is that something is going on and we’re supposed to be a band of brothers – so why not get through it together. If there’s some sort of tension between Ni and you then don’t you think it should be worked out instead of you avoiding him Harry?” Liam asked me. I sighed, resting my head on the table, groaning softly.

“Liam…You just don’t understand.” I said before I realized how stupid that statement was. Way to go, dumbass.

“Oh, I don’t?” Liam questioned challengingly. “Well then how about you help me understand.”

“Can’t you just drop it? I said that you don’t need to worry about it – so quit it! I get that you have some fucking ridiculous obsession with Niall your sweet little baby boy, you and Zayn both do! But guess what Liam, he isn’t a baby. He is older than me! And not to mention that maybe since you guys have such a tight bond he would probably tell you if there was something going on!” I exclaimed, my head snapping up as I glared at Liam.

Did I really just do that? Liam was clearly taken aback by my outburst, then again I was too. “I’m.. I-I’m really sorry.” I stammered out, quickly standing up and throwing down some money for my half-eaten sandwich before practically running out of that restaurant.

I’m just going to go back to the hotel.. That would be the smartest idea, so stick to it Harold. You don’t want to attract any more attention or be bombarded by fans so just get to the hotel. Call Paul or hail a cab. Just get to the hotel. Don’t look at the people on the streets, don’t look at the restaurants and most of do not look at the bars. Oh – well that looks inviting…


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