Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

*Niall's POV*

"So there's the 3 of you who are taken?" The interviewer asked. Damn this interview was really droning on. It was always the same questions being asked and I couldn't help but let out a bored sigh as Liam, Louis, and Zayn talked about their perfect relationships. Fabulous. Maybe my sigh is what caught the interviewer's attention because suddenly I noticed her attention was on me. I sat up straight, trying to look alert and not bored.

"So Niall," The interviewer asked and I looked over at her in surprise. "Do you have a lady in your life?"

I laughed and shook my head, "Nope, I'm single or else I would've been grouped with Liam, Louis, and Zayn."

She looked very amused by this answer and it made me uncomfortable. "Is that so?" She asked with a slight smirk on her lips, "Then who's the hickey from?"

My eyes widened and my hand flew to my neck, sure enough there was a mark there that I hadn't noticed when I was getting ready this morning. I was surprised Lou hadn't said anything as she was doing my makeup. "I uh.." I swallowed thickly, completely stumped by this question. "I have no idea."

Shit, what a stupid answer that just makes it sound worse. I could feel three pairs of eyes boring into me as my cheeks heated up and turned a deep red. I glanced at the other boys and Liam, Louis, and Zayn were all staring at me intensely though their looks seemed to differ a bit. Liam and Zayn looked intrigued and confused at the same time as to who could have been sucking on my neck, though Liam's expression was much sterner than Zayn's. Louis' stare though was intrigued like the other two, but I also got the feeling he wasn't so surprised by the idea of the mark but more that it was something the interviewer had picked up on.

Harry's face however was a different story. He looked completely indifferent by the situation, as if he were sitting through a lecture that he didn't want to show emotions towards. His face was blank, his lips closed and he was looking at the interviewer. But then, then he turned his head to look at me like the others. Our eyes met for a brief second and in that short period of time his facial expression changed completely. He looked amused as he met my eyes, an eyebrow raising slightly as a smug smirk pulled at one end of his lips.

My eyes narrowed at him, did he actually remember? Why else would the bastard give me his amused smirk?! I ended up staring at him far longer than I had intended because I felt Liam nudge my side. I quickly looked at him, "Hmm?"

"You were asked a question." Liam said, giving me a look. I automatically looked back at the interviewer who smiled, "Oh so does Harry know about the mystery girl? I saw the look you two just stared there."

"There's no mystery girl." I said quickly, "Honest, I didn't even know I had that mark until you brought it up." Shit I was going to be in trouble after this interview.

The interview continued on for some time and I could feel someone's eyes on me periodically throughout it. I didn't have to look over to know that it was Harry. Even without meeting his stare I could feel my insides churn and my cheeks turn pink.

We said our goodbyes and thank yous to the interviewer before heading offstage. I felt Liam's hand clasp my shoulder, knowing this would mean I'd be getting a talk. Damn. "Eh eh eh - no! We need to talk." I heard Louis say, causing my attention to automatically turn to him. Luckily for the moment, Liam was also distracted with this along with Zayn.

"Harry! Do not ignore me!" Louis exclaimed, grabbing Harry's wrist, which Harry quickly yanked away. "I don't want to talk to you! I already know what you're going to say and I'm not in the mood to deal with it." Harry snapped.

I saw Liam and Zayn exchange a look. We all knew it wasn't normal for Harry and Louis to be fighting and now I'd witnessed it twice in one day. Something was obviously up. "What's going on boys?" Liam asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Harry groaned, "God can't you all just fuck off!"

Liam gave Harry a stern look and stepped closer to him, speaking with a low voice, "This is not the time or place Harry."

Harry sighed and nodded, "I know, I'm sorry." I had been watching the scene, looking between Harry, Louis, and Liam when Harry looked over at me, "You should probably work better on hiding your hickeys if you don't want to have to explain your late night affairs."

The way he said it, so indifferently and matter-of-factly pissed me off and made my jaw clench. "Yeah I'll keep that in mind next time someone wants to go chomping on my neck." The words came out through my clenched teeth. Why did he have to reference to my 'late night affairs' now? I knew I was overreacting, obviously the interviewer had just brought it up but Harry never acknowledged anything that was a result of what we do.

Harry chuckled, and not in a friendly manner. "No need to get defensive Ni, I'm just saying that you can't expect to not get attention about obvious marks." I looked down at my feet, he was so careless with his words and actions. He was the reason for the damned love bite.

Louis sighed impatiently, "Stop being so rude Harry, let's go. Now." He grabbed Harry by his arm and dragged him back to the room that we had used earlier for our makeup. Isighed as Liam and Zayn both turned their gaze to me.

~Author's Note~

Sorry that this was a shorter chapter! The next one will be longer, I promise(:


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