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ashleys pov
when i got back home, there was a note on the table that said

"dear ashley, ever since your mother died i've been a mess, i started abusing you. in my defense, it's not my fault. if you weren't such a terrible, ugly kid then this wouldn't of happened. you are the biggest mistake i ever made and i've made plenty of mistakes. i hate you so much. im writing this to tell you I moved to new york. your house is payed off. from your used to be "dad"."

i have to live on my own now? my dad actually hates me? why do i have to have this life?

thoughts kept flooding my mind. i couldn't stop crying.

a few minutes later i heard a knock at my door. i wiped my eyes even though they were still red and puffy. i opened the door and there stood shawn.

"umm hi?" I said more as a question.

"hi" he said.

"how do you know where i live?" i asked.

"well i mean i drove you to your place yesterday." he said.

"oh right, um come in i guess" i said moving away from the door

"uh thanks" he said 

"so why are you here?" i asked.

"well, as you know i'm in magcon" he said

"and this affects me because?" i asked.

"i've been told i could bring someone to magcon and i was just wondering if you, maybe, wanna come?"

"i-i guess. but only because i really want to meet Mahogany " i said while laughing

"okay, great we leave at 7:00 am tomorrow." He said while laughing.

"alright,  ill see you there" i said

"i'll come pick you up tomorrow?" he asked.

"yeah, sure" i answered.

"i'll see you tomorrow bye" he said walking out of my house.

"bye" i said.

i started to pack my clothes. i packed a couple shirts, pants, underwear, pyjamas and socks, along with my hair brush and my toothbrush. it was almost 10:00p.m so i decided to go to sleep. i fell asleep within 30 minutes. i woke up at 4:30 and started to get ready.

i put on a black shirt and blue ripped jeans. i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. i curled my hair and did my makeup. it was 5:55 i decided to get my shoes on and wait for shawn. I was kinda nervous, even though he apologized. i feel like he has a plan to slowly ruin me even more, but that could all be in my head.

shawn came around 6:00. he knocked on my door and i followed him to his car, not saying a word. we talked a bit during the car ride but not too much. when we got to the airport we went to our plane. i sat next to Shawn. i started getting a little tired so i fell asleep. i woke up around 7:00, my head was on shawns  shoulder. i quickly got up as he started laughing.

"what?" i asked trying to sound clueless

"am i comfortable?" he asked laughing.

"shut up" i said with a big smile on my face, maybe this trip won't be to bad.

we got to the hotel and Bart was there.

"okay, so i have the rooms
cameron, aaron, nash and jacob
mahogany, ashley
carter, taylor and hayes
Last but not least
Shawn, matt, Jack and Jack" bart said.

i looked over at mahogany and smiled.

"hey girl" she said

"hey" i said while hugging her

"i call sharing a bed with johnson"i heard gilinsky say

"so we're sharing a bed" matt said as he looked at Shawn.

he nodded his head.

everyone put their bags in their room then we went to cam, matt and nashs room.

"okay, so this is ashley" shawn said pointing to me.

"hi" i whispered loud enough for them to hear

"yeah, we know that" carter said back.

"oh yea, sorry" shawn said nervously

"so what do you guys wanna do?" cam asked.

"how 'bout we play truth or dare?" i suggested.

"yasss" nash said in a girl voice.

everyone laughed and nodded.

"okay, i'll start. um ashley truth or dare?" cam asked

"truth" i said

"okay who is the hottest one out of the 10 of us?" heasked

oh fuck, what the fuck do i say it's definitely shawn but i don't wanna say him.

"do i have to answer this?" i asked.

"yes" cam said.

"um shawn" i mumbled.

everyone's jaw dropped.

"what?" i asked laughing.

"it's just, why shawn? i'm way hotter." cam said

"keep thinking that" i said.

shawns pov
did she actually just say that i was the hottest one out of all of the boys? i felt my cheeks turning red and hot. i think i was blushing. but why? after ashley, hayes went then Nash.

"truth or dare?" nash asked

"dare." i answered.

"okay, i dare you to bring ashley into your room for 30 minutes" he smirked

"okay" i said unsure.

i got up and ashley followed me to our room.

"Uhh Ashley do you actually think that I'm the hottest one?" I asked

i could see her cheek turning red.

"well umm i-i yea, i do" she answered.

maybe she likes me. she was looking down at the floor i brought her face up so she was looking at me.

"how can i gain your trust again?" i asked her nervously.

ashleys pov
i was so nervous, i didn't know what to say. i thought about it until i finally decided to give him an answer.

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