Extra Shift

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So enough about the bar lets talk a little about me

Im a 19 year old kid, my hair was originally blond but i dyed it brown (long story) im blue and green eyed they switch constantly and im a part-time bus-boy at ShingDigs oh and most importantly my name is Dylan Shyne its a weird name I know. Ive had one friend since sixth grade and its been my best friend Bailey Gordon. We've been together from thick and thin.

Bailey dosent sing anymore because she cant she had nodule surgery when she was ten and she couldnt sing the same since.

Bailey was scheduled to work an night shift on New Years.

On my way to the I got a text from Bailey "Hey DillPickle could' ya work my shift for me please I got real sick"

Shes called me that since we met in 6th grade. I guess its obvious shes from southern Kentucky she moved to Louisville when her dad died.

I texted back "Sure"

"Thanks DillPickle I owe ya! :-)"

Knowing that it was gonna be a long night i stopped by Starbucks and got a coffe to fuel my jets for tonight. Waiting for my coffe i heard sirens like you do on cop cars i looked over and it was a tour bus with Justin Bieber across it. Cop cars were surronding it i thought that was pretty rediculos.I guess he was playing here.

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