I really got to know Selena during the flight. Shes a reallyy intresting girl no wonder shes so famous.
I told her about Bailey and what all I went through over the years with her.
I told her about her recent death and how im still trying to get over it.
she teared up like it was her own friend.
"Wow thats terrible"
she got up aand hugged me. At first i was caught off gaurd for some reason. Then I had a flash bacck of me and Bailey.
I fell in my seat
"Dylan? are you ok whats wrong?" her voice began to fade out
"So Bay what are you doing tomorrow"
"Oh nothing really jus-
Grody George pushes Bailey up against a locker
"Give me your lunch money!"
Bailey gave him a dollar
"One dollar?, Oh.. your gonna get it now!"
Dylan pulled him off of her and punched him till his nose bleed
I started hear Selena's voice again
"Dylan!! (she was shaking me) Are you ok?"
"Oh-oh im sorry i just had a flashback"
"weird, and dont apologize alot of people have that happen to them"
"Was it-um about Bailey?"
'Yah It was from our childhood"
"oh I wont ask about it anymore"
"Its ok thanks for being considerent about it"
"your welcome"