Chapter 55

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"Latest News"

Caliope brushed her lips on Amra's neck and he entangled his fingers on her hair and pressed her gently more against him; she smiled inwardly and proud of the feelings she was able to awake in him. She licked his shoulder and he couldn't help himself anymore, pulling her gently by the hair and kissing her passionately. 'If you keep this up we won't get up today from bed.' He whispered into her mind and she giggled, making him smile at her. "I will always love that sound. Let's get a shower, shall we?" He said and she nodded.

When they joined the rest of the people in the large living room, Caliope noticed Vanessa and everyone else were looking at the big tv screen in the wall. When she followed their eyes she tensed and Amra's gaze turned from her to the tv as well. There was headlines and big colorful news flashes on the channel they were watching.

"What... what is going on?" Caliope finally broke the silence, Elaine turned her head to look at her with sad eyes.

"They are, again, one step ahead of us." Said Elaine as she pointed to the current home video recording that was being played on loop at the news channel; a kid trying to pet a wild cat in the playground park and being attacked by several other cats that in turn also attacked each other. Caliope gasped and Amra tensed, there was a dark shadow spreading its wings not far from them and at a certain moment, it waved to the camera then disappeared. The journalist was reporting that at first it was thought to be a hoax but then many similar events were being reported in the latest 24 hours all around the globe. There was some controversy as some were still thinking it was a publicity stunt for a possible new movie but more were going for the truth, as the videos were dated all from just the last hours and the amount of reports seemed to be too many for that purpose. Caliope looked at Elaine and then at Wiltshire who was next to her, shaking his head.

"Elaine..." Caliope began, and waited for her to look back, when she did, the words that came out of her mouth surprised everyone. "Make the call, this is enough, we still have the last step, coming out with everything at the public. Make a warning statement to everyone here and tell them they have, I don't know, 12 hours? to let the others know... then go at it, we need to make this as soon as possible, this is too much!"

Amra took a deep breath and nodded, standing right next to Caliope, he looked at everyone in the room and then at Elaine. "I agree with what she says, I was already with you on this from the start, I think we can't wait any longer. Make it happen Elaine."

Elaine nodded and sighed, shaking her head. "I didnt want it to happen like this, but they left us no choice. Generals? Any objection?" She stood up and headed to the wall where the tv screen was embeded, she clicked on a small panel entered what it looked like a security code, she looked once again back to the living room and all those in the room were quiet, Maxwell and the Meng Generals as well. "So we go for it." She asked once more in a way that sounded more like a statement than a question, they just nodded.

She cleared her voice. "Attention please..." She said and her voice echoed throughout the city, Caliope walked to the window and saw many angels stop in mid fly. "As some of you might have heard, and if you haven't, now is the time to turn on your tv's, they have gone out of their way to make their real identities known to the public. It has been just decided by the main Generals and our Arcane Guardian that we will go in public live in 12 hours. That is your time frame to let everyone else know and be ready. This city will remain as our sanctuary and head quarters from now on. We will meet in 24 hours. Until then, remain vigilant and report anything and everything." Elaine cutted the voice and closed the small panel, turning around to sigh again.

Caliope was angry, she kept watching the tv screen with several other homemade videos and phone recordings of events that were alike, a fight or some shadows, a break in or a car accident with violent outcomes, always the same apparitions. Amra looked down at her worriedly and put himself in front of the tv, cutting her view, she frowned and looked up only to meet his eyes and she softened her expression, he wrapped his arms around her and caressed her back. 'Don't let them affect you, dont let them turn you into what they want you to be.' He whispered into her mind and she realized how the rage inside her was slowly consuming her, her hands were squeezed into fists. She closed her eyes and nodded, pressing against his chest and letting him sooth her. "Thank you." She whispered and felt his lips on top of her head.

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