22: Mixed Feelings..

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Shayaan's POV:-

"Shayaan you shouldn't have done that!" James was giving his ethics lecture since morning and I was extremely fed up of it.

"Dude how many times I have to tell you that I have anger issues and she was acting rude too so thats not only my mistake. Allright?" I said frustrated while rolling my eyes.

"Ahhhh forget it" He sighed.

"By the way after what happened yesterday with Charlie Jacob and you, you became quite famous in our University Shayaan" James said proudly patting my shoulder and I gave a forced smile.

It was evening and he was in my apartment. He was worried for me and I feel blessed to have a friend like him who cares for me.

Thinking about friendship my mind automatically distracted to her.

Haniya you proved me wrong! I thought we are friends.

"Look Shayaan I think you should apologize" James spoke bringing me out of my thoughts.

"James please don't start again. I don't want to talk about it anyway. My head is hurting badly" I held my head with my both hands and shut my eyes tightly.

You are messing up everything bookworm. Arghhh. I hate these mixed up feelings.

"Shayaan take rest and just give me a call in case you need something" James said looking at me and concern was evident in his eyes.

"Ok dude don't worry I'm ok" I assured him and he left.

3 hours passed by and I was still not feeling well.

I never behave like this with girls.

This one thing was bothering me so much and deep down I knew that I should apologize but It was a battle between heart and mind.

My phone started ringing and Salman's smiling face appeared on the screen.

Picking up the call I spoke, "Hey Bro!"

"Shayaan? What happened to your voice? Are you sick or sad or something like that?" Before I could ask how he is he bombarded me with questions.

"Yes I'm ok bro" I said.

"No you are not! Don't forget that I'm your elder brother Shayaan I can feel that ok! Come on tell me" he said acting all bossy and I felt like hugging him tightly but he was miles away from me.

I explained him the whole incident and he let out a loud sigh.

"Ummmmm!! I think it was all your fault. Firstly you irritated her and the way you reacted after breaking the model was too rude and it must have hurt her so be a good boy and say sorry to her" Salman instructed and I nodded my head as if he is looking at me.

Stupid I am!!

"Ok bro but not now I'll complete this task someday else" I said and he let out an ok.

But I still doubt that I'll complete this task. Afterall she also should not have reacted like that!! Hunh!

"Actually I proposed Rameen and she said yes!" Salman said making me dumstruck.

"Are you serious?? When? How? Where?" I questioned and he laughed.

"Yesterday! And now you have to go to LA so that you along with Mom and Dad can come to Pakistan to ask for her parent's permission regarding our marriage" He said and I literally jumped out of excitement.

Ohhh My Gosh!!
Salman is getting married.

"Sure Bro I'll book my tickets right now and will start packing soon. Yuhoooo I'm sooo excited Salman" I said... correction! Shouted and he let out a small laugh. I was imagining him smiling broadly right now.

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