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  It was one of those really good nights, one of those nights where you could feel it in your bones. I knew because I was holding the tickets in my hands. This was all so unreal.

  I barely even bought these tickets for One Direction. I was standing before the sun even rose till noon with my friend, Ashlyn, in line this morning. I was more going for her because she’s never been to a concert & I’ve made it my duty to change that. It was my graduation present to her. I was still excited any who.

  My body wiggled from excitement in the passenger seat of Ashlyn’s car. One Directions new album boomed from the speakers next to my feet causing me to wiggle even more.

  Ashlyn began turning down the music and I needed to protest, “What?! No! Please turn the volume up again!”

  “I’m sorry Liv, but you need to calm down. Your bouncing like a jelly bean,” Ashlyn countered.

  “I am not. I’m just a little excited to see my boys in the same room as me,” I crossed my arms.

  “I am to but you don’t see me about to explode of it.”

  “Fine, I’ll turn down my excitement till the concert actually starts.”

  “Better & put the tickets away. We’re almost there.”

  “Uh huh.”

  I grabbed by mini brown backpack from the car floor and put them in the zippered compartment. I lied back and twirled my dark brown hair with my fingers. I watched us pass street lights and Ashlyn turn on & off her turn signals what felt like a billion times before turning to the stadium’s lot to park.

  Once the car was turned off I yanked off my seatbelt and rushing out the door with my bag. I wasn’t going to leave without Ash, but I was so excited! I just couldn’t contain myself.

  In an annoyed sound Ash turned to me, “Liv, you can’t expect us to run there?”

  “No,” I said with a bounce in my step,” Just a little too excited. You’ll see what I mean after tonight.”

  “I hope so we could freak out together for the next concert I go to.” I giggled at that. She would freak out if she knew what it’s like.

  We took our seats after the half an hour wait in line outside. When I saw our seats my disappointment arose. Ash & I were all the way on stage right & pretty far up. I sighed.

  “What Liv?” Ash asked with happiness.

  “Well it’s our last summer home together & I wanted to make your graduation present worth all the hype.”

  “Believe it or not this is perfect Liv!” I smiled and sat down.

   The person next to us had said that we got here after the opening act. So we just sat for a while until the same lady told us to get up & go fill the empty seats closer to the stage.

  “Go, go!” She said when the lady checking tickets left.

  “Ok I’ve got it,” I responded running with Ashlyn down to the lower area.

  We kept seat jumping till we got as far as we could go, and the lights turned down so we were at peace.

  “I can’t believe we’re here!” yelled Ash.

  “I know right!”

  The music began to play as our boys ran out on stage. Liam began singing on our side & Ash and I screamed so loudly! We danced all the way through the beginning songs.

  Then something spectacular happened. Harry was walking up the stairs on far stage right. We were illuminated enough to be seen and so many people around me began to scream his name. I wiggled my fingers as a wave to him then blew a kiss to him & then he looked at me. All the way at the end of that row, Harry was looking at me. He imitated my wave & blew a kiss before going to talk to the guy playing the keyboard.

  I was shocked. I couldn’t move for a minute. Then I screamed at the very top of my lungs. He waved at me. HARRY STYLES WAVED & BLEW A KISS AT ME.

  The concert went on for about an hour and a half longer. The wave denied leaving my mind. Liam announced their last song and right in the middle of it a security guard came down to our row asking for me.

  I looked at Ash with a worried face, but she was still singing and dancing. The security guard came next to me and said, “Mr. Styles requests that you be in his dressing room when he arrives there after the performance.”

  Ash turned towards him when I replied, “As long as my friend comes. I’m not leaving her alone.”

  “Ok Ma’am,” The guard had a really deep voice and Ash went in front of me with her long black hair trailing behind her while we followed the guard down the backstage area. I could just feel a million eyes creep up on our backs before we were out of view.  

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