Hysterical Love

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Hysterical Love



"What???" I said in shock. All that obnoxious jock did was look at me with a smirk. He was pleased with my face of confusion.

"Love me or not. Your choice. Either way... I am going to make you fall in love with me. I don't let any fish off into sea without me catching them." he smiled.

"What?" I said all confused and flustered.

"It's an analogy man. I thought you were smart." He said with a raised eyebrow. My pissed face held nothing back.

"It's a metaphor dummy. I thought you couldn't get any dumber, but I guess I was wrong. Once an idiot, always an idiot." I rolled my eyes annoyed at his utter stupidity. Gosh man, I thought he was dumb, but not this careless.

All he did was look at me pissed, enraged, and feeling quite dumb of himself. Quite cocky I got to say. I am happy I out throw him somewhere. If it's not brains or sports, then what?? But I got to admit, this awkward silence he was giving me was creeping me out. What was he thinking? Could he actually be hurt by my words? I honestly didn't mean anything bad by them, but I guess he is that gullible. Hmph should have guessed better.

"Actually..." Ah... he finally spoke. Thank god. It didn't get weirder... and now to throw my awesome skills at him again!

All I do was smirk at him... "Yes."

"It's an allusion." He was just cleaning out his fingernails all sassy. What is he? A preppy cheerleader girl? Man. Have some dignity. I don't do that and I'm girler than you... well only when my favorite show comes on.... or when my favorite music is on...and well also when my favorite food is being served. Never mind that... I am not that girly. I am a man and you sir, are less of one just now. A jock has to show better dignity than this? Right? I would suppose so. Well that's the least you can do... the least.

"What?" Seriously...what is he thinking?

"Actually... I made an allusion." He looks at me with both hands on his hips and leaning forward.

"Huh?" Confusion is the only thing I held over my face.

“An allusion. I referenced the idea of there being a lot of fish in the sea in my sentence." What?

"I consider as much said that there being a lot of people out...I don't let one go." Umm...what?

"So.... it's neither an illusion which is the confusion of an idea or ones perception of things being altered in their eyes and such. Mentally I mean. Physically probably…if the sicko is that determined.” Wait what?

"Insanity is always involved in the package." How would he?

"It neither an metaphor...since no real comparison was being made. It can be considered one since I did make one in a sense.” Wait again what? How did he? HUH??! What?

"Hahaha and the idea of it being an analogy was stupid. It is not in the stem of this is to that as this is to that... hehe such a fool." Wait wait wait...wait...wait...wait...WAIT!!! Did he...did...he...did he just?

"It did come at a whim...but really an analogy!! I am hilarious!" Play me? Did he just...play me?

"Umm..." What the fudge was that!!! How did?? What the??? Mothercrack!!!! Mother fudging cracker!!! Oh hell no... he... no no no...never!

He just smiled. "Yes, I did just play you. I guess I win... you will fall in love with me...and that...” His finger lifts and points in my direction. "Is official! No ifs!" What? "Ands!" Wait, what?? "Or BUTS!" WHAT???? WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!!!!

"What?" I said blushing red hot like a tomato. All he did was snicker and smile me with that joker smile of his. Prick. When we are done here... I will end you. No ifs, ands, or BUTS!!!! I am certain I will never let this down...never letting this go down at all...and also I will never fall in love with a self-recurring prick of a son of a wanker like you!!! You douche and monster!!!

"So... what you wanna do... new lover boy?" He just smiles snickering in front of my face. I can't believe it, but whenever he does that face. It makes me think he is lying, but then again... it's hard to believe he would do that. Prick....! We are friends...so there is nothing to do. But you know what I can't believe... he actually played me. He actually seriously played me. I can't believe him, but he did...it's true. He may actually be not as dumb as I thought. Now that just hurts... beside what's the worst that could happen? Sounds clique yah, but got to go on a limb that he won't quit. Well here I go. If only I knew this was just the beginning...of my first love story...with him...a hot jock. Oh boy... this is going to be fun. A huge adventure!

Time to start a hysterical love!


Hey guys!! I decided to go all out this time! This is my first time writing a major love story! hehehe, but from a boy's perspective! This is going to be my first in writing a yaoi or boy x boy in English speaks! Heheheh I hope you enjoy! This is just the beginning! I am so stoked since I got support on this story..so I am writing to hope to get you guys to love it! It may not seem all this and that the beginning, but this was their intervention and a confession. i feel I should do this since I just started randomly writing this and started with that line and thought..it will start with a confession of a hot jock..to my sexy nerd lover. kekekke..not exactly with those words, but still... kinda fits! Hehehe.. if any reads anime... I will be featuring themes from them in here, but of course plagiarism is bad so i AM NOT COPYING ANY LINES OR ANYTHING MAJOR OF THEM(NOTHING AT ALL) AS MY OWN. I WILL TELL YOU MY SOURCE. I REPEAT I DO NOT PLAGIARISM. Hehhehe my characters are my own of course..so please do tell me how you like this preview. I may edit if I like too.. smh..maybe. anyway. There will be more coming!!! Yes I repeat..there will be more coming.. kekeke..evil me doing a yaoi like this.

Oh any guesses on which anime is featured this time? i will tell you all in the next update! Enjoy and chow! Don't forget to comment, fav, and vote!!! Love you guys..and if you want to share this..you know where the share button is..and where your friends are!!! XD :3

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