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      Inside the house, Larry and Dean come downstairs, finishing a tour. "You've got three choices - carpet, hardwood, and tile." Larry says.

      Dean notices a jar full of bugs on a nearby table. "Whoa. Someone likes bugs."

      "My son - he's into insects. He's very... inquisitive." Larry says.

      Outside, Lynda is still talking to Sam. Elena had joined him after eating a few ribs. "Who can say "no" to a steam shower? I use mine everyday." Lynda says.

      "Sounds great." Sam sounds uninterested.

      While Lynda continues talking, Elena notices a tarantula crawling towards her hand, which is resting on a table. A few feet away, Larry's son, Matt, is watching excitedly.

      "Excuse me." Elena pushes Lynda out of the way and picks up the spider, bringing it over to Matt. "Is this yours?"

      Matt takes it from her. "You gonna tell my dad?" He asks.

      "I don't know." Elena says.

      Sam comes over to the two. "Who's your dad?"

      "Yeah, Larry usually skips me in the family introductions." Matt says.

      Elena flinches. "Ouch."

      "First name basis with the old man - sounds pretty grim." Sam says.

      "Well, I'm not exactly brochure material."

      "Well, hang in there. It gets better, all right? I promise." Sam says.


      "Matthew." They turn to see Larry and Dean walking towards them. "I am so sorry about my son and his... pet." Larry says.

      Elena waves it off. "It's no bother." She says.

      "Excuse us." Larry walks away with Matt.

      "Remind you of somebody?" Sam asks.

      Dean looks over at Larry, who is yelling at Matt. He looks back at Sam, confused. "Dad? Dad never treated us like that."

      "Well, Dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case. You don't remember?" Sam asks.

      "Well, maybe he had to raise his voice, but sometimes, you were out of line." Dean says and Elena felt awkward watching the brother's bicker.
      Sam scoffs. "Right. Right, like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bowhunting."

      "You guys bowhunt?" Elena asks.

      Dean nods. "Bowhunting's an important skill."

      "Whatever." Sam rolls his eyes. "How was your tour?"

      "Oh, it was excellent. I'm ready to buy." Dean says and Sam laughs. "So you might be onto somethin'. Looks like Dustin Burwash wasn't the first strange death around here."

      "What happened?" Elena asks.

      "About a year ago, before they broke ground, one of Larry's surveyors dropped dead while on the job. Get this severe allergic reaction to bee stings." Sam says.

      Elena grimaces. "More bugs." She says.

      "More Bugs."


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