Part I: Premise of the Two Decades

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It took a few months for Dios to move on from what has took place. Minerva and Cyrus felt forgotten at this point but Dios would never let them leave his mind...Even by the time he turned 41...

Things have changed over the pass 20 years. Dios took an interest in cavalry and swordsmanship when he turned 21 and took part of the Imperial Army for only 2 years before he voluntarily retired after leaving a good impression in his fellow Knights.

Wanting to settle down for a while, the rulers of another imperial city called Magdahera had a daughter Dios's age in the name of Eden. Eden was a fair-faced blonde girl only a few inches shorter than Dios; her eyes were hooded with a bright jade color, being the source of her beauty. Dios and Eden's parents insisted in arranging a wedding that would take place in a year. Dios and Eden were not fond of this and refused to take part of the proposition. However, as time went by, they seemed to find things they have in common, especially with magic, and have now eagerly agreed to marriage. Dios and Eden were announced husband and wife in their wedding and had their first baby a year later. The baby was revealed to be a boy was named Randolph after Eden's uncle. After a one year gap, Eden gave birth to their second baby, their first daughter, Nevaeh, who was named after a supernatural comet that was present on her date-of-birth. Nevaeh shared the distincted star -shaped birthmark on her left wrist like her father. Lastly, two years later, their last child and second girl, Seraphina, was born on what was going to be Minerva's 25th birthday, but that didn't stop Dios from enjoying this blessed day of new life.

A few months after Seraphina's birth, Coronus came in front of Dios and Eden's doorstep one day to tell them a life changing announcement. He officially announced his retirement and insists in dethroning himself from power, for that he has been getting sick lately and needs to rest his body. "But Father, who will rule this imperial city?" Dios asked with curiosity. All Coronus did was smile and pressed his hand on Dios's tan forehead. He then said, "Dios, my son...I want you to carry out the legacy like me, your great-grandfather and our ancestors have. Will you do the honor and start your reign as the new ruler of Nazara?". Eden was full of enthusiasm. "This sounds especially grand, don't you agree Dios?", she said. Dios, on the other-hand, was awestricken, for he didn't know how to respond. "If you need time to make this decision, I'll be in our villa near the town hall when you made up your mind", said Coronus and he instantly vanished into light before their eyes.

Dios and Eden were sitting on a park bench surrounded by a field of sakura trees, with the latter holding baby Seraphina while Nevaeh and Randolph were playing with the petals. "Eden...", said Dios. "I don't know if I feel ready to take on such a responsibility... watching over Nazara just seems like something my dad can do by nature". "Even if that's true, you had to keep in mind you father not as youthful as you are.", said Eden. "Coronus is sick and he needs someone to take his place". "Yes I care about my father's wellbeing but...... uhh... I don't know...... can someone please give me a sign?". 3-year old toddler Randolph rushed up to his father's knees. "Daddy, are you OK?" , the kid asked. Dios smiled, saying, "I'm fine, I'm just having trouble making a big decision". Randolph let out a huge smile. "Don't worry, pick the one that can helps the most people, you are the most helpful daddy in the world after all". He then pointed on the star-shaped birthmark on his wrist. "Member daddy, you are a bright star". "Awww, that's so cute, Randy. What do you think, honey?", said Eden, hugging her son. Dios felt a spark of motivation and courage and made a run for it. "Hey, where are you going, Dios?". "To my father's villa near the town hall.", said Dios, catching his breathes "I know what I must do!". Dios finally made it to his father and made up his decision saying that he will begin his reign across Nazara starting next year. The civilians threw a ceremony for Dios and his new title as Lord of Nazara. Coronus also included Eden into his offer and Dios's mother announced her as the new Empress of Nazara. Lord Dios himself even gave a speech that reflected on the events that took place on the night of Minerva's 16th birthday and the days after that. The ceremony was followed by music, dancing, and other forms of Nazaran entertainment throughout the night.

Dios and Eden led Nazara into a new future and as Randolph, Nevaeh, and Seraphina have grew up into teens, their minds filled with a newly found wisdom in warfare and the strength needed to press forward as warriors of the Nazaran nobles.

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