Part II: Any Last Swords?

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The land of Nazara has never felt this state of jubilance for ages. Even though Dios and Eden have helped managed the imperial city with care for 14 years, it is their children who they want to cherish the most, for they make up the future of Nazara.

Dios has spent his morning filling out several decrees and treaties that originated from other distant cities. He possessed the noble rank of Lord for at least two decades. He has aged to 41 but still holds the image of his 30-year old self. He sat on his chair, in his formal attire made up of a long white dashiki, shoulder pads, black pants and boots, with a gold and green sash with the Nazaran emblem planted where his chest is covered. His silver crown crested with tiny emerald fragments sat on his honey-colored hair. From the view of his window, a young man appeared, floating with the six wings it possessed. "Ahmel of the Storm, messenger and intermediary of the imperial cities, at the service!", the winged man said.

Ahmel took the appearance of a petite six-winged Seraph, standing around 4 and a half feet tall. He had light blue eyes along with a blondish-ginger color that complemented them perfectly. He sported a golden-scaled shoulder pad on his right shoulder, a ruffled skirt, metallic boots in the shape of claws and an extravagant headpiece with 6 small wings on it. Ahmel served and strongly befriended Dios and numerous royal figures in the distant lands. He is the head Seraph of the messengers that originate from the Aether. Ahmel's also has been friends with Dios's only sister Minerva ever since her departure into the Aether after her 16th birthday. Dios cared for Ahmel to occasionally watch over her, for that deep down, he dearly misses Minerva.

"Ahmel, I knew you ever since I was born.", Dios chuckled. "You don't have to introduce yourself every time we met". "It's a force of habit, Lord Dios", said Ahmel "Luckily, I'm here to inform you that you have no other paperwork for you to fill out". "Well that's reassuring. I keep forgetting my father's always been so used to this type of authority", Dios sighed with relief then said, "Ahmel, do you think I should teach my children 'the way of the sword?'". Ahmel stood there, thinking about what to say. "Well...your son, Randolph is a child prodigy when it comes to the art of fencing and Nazara's blacksmith has even made your son a complete training set", said Ahmel. "At a young age of 16, is that anything you could even teach him that he doesn't already know?". Dios made a face of contemplation. "Well he is already out of the question, so maybe I'll just have him assist me teaching my two daughters then". "I hope they can handle it", said Ahmel "It's time for me to depart, my Lord". The Seraph bowed his head and gracefully flew out of the window into the white clouds leading to the Aether.
Dios and a guard dressed in green and silver exited the palace and made their way through Golgos Square.

Golgos Square is a heavily populated district located south of the royal palace and is known for their entertainment and cheerful atmosphere. There were assortments of street performers, venders, hotels, and a gold statue of Dios's late mother stood in the middle of the sprinkling fountains. Golgos was also the home to the indoor joust arena which various swordsman hone their skills. Dios remembered that Randolph and his advisor arrived there around the crack of dawn. Another green guard allowed the two men entry and they made their way into a room marked "100-A". The room had pine flooring on most of the ground level and an elevated Quartz platform on the center. There were 3 sets of 20 feet tall wooden bleachers aligned with each on the tile.

The platform was holding two people (one tall and the other short), each wearing white traditional fencing padding, wielding an artificial épée, dueling rigorously. The shorter fencer took a more defensive approach their fighting style, blocking each thrust his larger opponent made. It was then that the blocker freed himself from the corner of the platform and slash his thin sword, enough to slap his opponent's épée out of their hand. The weapon agilely made its way to the pinewood floor. The two fencers then started to converse with each other.

"Those skills were fit of a thriving master like yourself, Randolph.", the tall fencer said to the other. "Your father, our Lord, must be so proud of you". Dios then walked up closer the Quartz pedestal. "I truly am, Sir", he said. "Thank you, once again, for teaching my son the way of fencing". "No need to thank you your majesty", the fencing instructor responded "Randolph has already knew a majority of the knowledge I bestowed on him". The fencing instructor hopped down from his elevated placement and made his way to the door, leaving. Dios then turned to Randolph. "Randolph, my boy, I was wondering if you can do me a 'favor'", Dios asked. Randolph's mask was still on but his face show curiosity. "Sure, just as soon as I change out of this thing".

Dios was waiting outside the changing room Randolph was in when the door went opened. "So dad, how can I help you?", Randolph asked. Randolph was a tall young man (a tad shorter than Dios) with a physique was somewhat slim, but athletic simultaneously. His hair was a dark blonde hue with light blonde highlights of the color of his mother; it was unnaturally spiky but also short with bangs swaying to his right. His attire consist of a beige button-down shirt with dark green and gold striped cuffs. The shoulders were planted with low ranking epaulettes. His pants were a clean black color and wore brown combat boots with khaki boot covers and metallic toe caps on each foot. Randolph is not as social as his sisters, for he puts practice as a top priority. Dios proceeded to speak about his desire. "You see, son, you have excelled your skills as a swordsman-in-training and I was hoping if you can help me teach Nevaeh and Seraphina the way of swordsmanship.", asked Dios. Randolph pondered steadily for a few seconds then said, "Hmmm.........I don't know...I might have to think about it". "Oh that's fine...take 'all' the time you want". After Dios made this response, his eyes took direct aim of Randolph's and stared him down for a good five minutes, causing several drops of sweat to roll down his son's face. Randolph finally caved in out of pressure. "Alright,  alright, I'll do it!", Randolph quickly answered, abruptly. Dios then made a huge smile. "That's my boy! I almost thought my face was going to fall off by the time you were going to answer...anyways, let's go!" Randolph followed Dios all the way back home to meet up with Eden and the girls.

Dios and his family lived in a large, luxurious suite in the palace, protected 24/7 by four trusty guards. The local tailor was delivering her client a box full of custom clothing, all in the same size. Her hand knocked loudly on a grand wooden door, about twice her height. The door was opened by her client Eden, the Empress of Nazara. Eden was wearing her long blonde locks in a long, segmented ponytail, only leaving some hair curled on both sides of her face. Her laced silk and cotton gown was tinted green, reaching her ankles; she also wore black sandal-like stilettos in the most "casual" way she could think of. "Thank you so much", Eden said, cheerfully. "As promised, here's the payment". The tailor eagerly accepted the money and left the premises. "Mom, this is the 4th delivery this week", said a young brunette. "Is it 'really' necessary?".

The brunette was the older daughter Nevaeh. She inherited the brown eyes and honey shoulder-length hair from Dios. Her wardrobe was a indigo tanktop with a white collar, white gloves, a white pleated miniskirt attached with a yellow layered dress, knee-high transparent socks, and dark-gray clog boots. She was a curious yet intelligent young lady. "Well Nevaeh, as Empress, I feel that people should see me as a role model", Eden answered modestly. "So...a role model of how not to spend your hard-earned money?", Nevaeh remarked. Eden dismissed the comment and continued. "No silly, I'm talking about the idea of setting the example for the nobles in our city to look and feel great when you're doing your job". Despite the explanation, Nevaeh was left confused in disbelief. "OK...I try to keep that in mind, mother"

The front door opened up to reveal Dios and Randolph. "We're home!", said a joyful Dios. A young girl rushed in from the other room. "Oh my gosh, You're here?!", she squealed. This was the youngest of the family, Seraphina. She was tall for a thirteen-year old girl. Her blonde long hair was tied up with a lavender ribbon, sharing the same color as her ruffled, sleeveless turtleneck. Her belt contained the Nazaran emblem and it was put together with her brown knee-high skirt and black stylish combat boots. Needless to say, Seraphina was more built for a ball than brawl. Dios gave both Seraphina and Nevaeh a bear hug and his beloved wife a welcome kiss. "I happy to announce that I finally have the rest of the day off", Dios announced. "And the best way to spend it was to teach my little girls the art of swordsmanship". Instead of the cheering he expected, Dios saw the shock in the face of the young girls, along with a "Are you seriously kidding me, you crazy idiot!" look from Eden.

To be continued...

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