Chapter 2

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The house felt so empty, dull, lifeless... I dared myself not to ever go into my mom's room. I couldn't bare to look at any pictures. I stared at a white ceiling every day. I didn't even bother to answer my phone. I don't want to live anymore. I threw my face into the pillow. I felt hot tears start pouring down my face.

I heard the doorbell ring and a loud pounding on my door, "CARRIE!!! OPEN THE DOOR!" I moaned but I layed there motionless. I heard another sound, a loud crashing sound. "CARRIE WHERE ARE YOU!?!" I recognized that voice, it was my best friend Max. I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. My door opened and there I saw him. He had a worried look in his eyes. He slowly came into the room and sat down right next to me on my bed.
"Carrie, we called you so many times! We-" I interruppted him, "We? Who's we?" I heared another pair of footsteps walk into my room. "Carrie, I was so worried!" It was Desiree. She is my best friend too. I sat up, but didn't look at either of them. I put my head down between my knees. I felt a hand rub big circles on my back.
"We are here for you if you need us." Desiree sat on the other side of the bed and hugged me. I started to bawl on her shoulder. I didn't care how I looked. I can't hold it in anymore.

I don't know how long i've been crying, but it felt like forever. Desiree slowly got up. "I'm going to make some food. You guys hungry?" she asked. I slowly nodded my head. Desiree let go of me and slowly walked out of the room. Max cups my face, "Will you be ok living here? You can stay at my place." I nodded my head, "I can stay here." Max didn't believe me, his big brown eyes stare into mine. "Are you sure?" I looked down and my white bed sheets. "I don't know if I can be sure anymore." He sighed and he helped me get off the bed. "Go pack. You are staying with me." Max lives in Fort Bragg which is about 20 minutes south from here. 

Desiree came back with mac and cheese. We all sat on the floor and we ate silently. "Carrie is staying with me." Max announced. Desiree nodded her head, "Ok. But if you ever need anything, you know who to call. You want me to come help unpack?" Max answered for me, "I think we got it. Thanks anyway." Desiree smiles, "Ok but I'm coming tomorrow to check on Carrie." She smirked and gave me a big hug. It feels so good to have someone to hug me, someone to care for me, someone to love me. I couldn't help it but smile.

We finished our so called "dinner". Desiree and Max helped me pack. I decided to leave all my furniture. It's too much to bring into Max's apartment. "Got everything?" Max said while he put the last box in the trunk of his Audi A7. I nodded and hugged Desiree one last time. "See you tomorrow!" Desiree said as she walked to her car. I sat down in the passenger's seat and buckled up. All my memories, my whole life, in that colonial house. Max started the car and we drove off. I don't look back, I can't. Goodbye for now my home, goodbye for now...

Author's Notes:
Sorry I didn't update in forever! Couldn't decide what I wanted to write about! A picture of Max is on the side!

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