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After the final bell, I jump out of my desk and hurry through the sea of people much taller than me, considering I'm only 5'1" and 17, and jog out the back door. I think to myself for the millionth time that day how excited I was to finally see my favorite bands, PVRIS and Pierce the Veil, they night in concert.

I finally get back to the orphanage and head up to my room, once again reliving the awful months up to my mothers death.

As I sit in the hospital room as I always did, the doctor comes to let me know she didn't have much Time left. Her brain tumor was going to kill her soon. I nod and walk to her bedside where I tell the only person who ever loved me that I would never forget her. She smiled and said nothing for a moment. She finally whispered "Darlin', you'll be okay. I promise." Before she peacefully passed away. The doctor asked if I had any other family and upon hearing that my abusive father had left us when she was diagnosed so he 'wouldn't be stuck with all the hospital bills,' he frowns and asks me to come with him. He takes me to an office where I fill out papers on myself so I can be sent to the orphanage. Once there, it finally hits me and I cry. I cry because there is nothing I can do to change this.
I shake myself back into reality and walk into the bathroom and straighten my blue and blonde hair and fix my eyeliner for tonight. I send my best friend, Katie, a text about what time we were leaving and then continue to get ready.

I throw on black ripped skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance sweatshirt, even though it was almost 70 outside in the middle of September, but after all, Indiana weather is unpredictable. I get a text from Katie saying she's here and I sneak outside so Mrs. Smith doesn't hear and stop me. Once outside I scream with joy and run over to her car.

"Hey Ana! Put in a CD, it's a half an hour drive. " Katie says.
"This is why I love you." I say while throwing in a Sleeping with Sirens CD and turning it up.

Katie is always there if I need her, but she also knows when we just need to goof off and have fun. She was the only person who was there for me after my mom passed, and I'll always be grateful. I just don't know why her parents left her with her evil aunt. Her parents had more issues than I knew about, I guess, and had to leave her there when she was 12 and just never came back for her. She didn't like pity though. Having a mean family never stopped her.

"WE'RE HERE!!!" Katie suddenly screams as she skids to a halt and hands me a ticket. "LETS GOOO!!"
She screams, yet again.

We made sure we got there really early so we were able to be in the very front and waited until PVRIS came on. I screamed along to every single word. At some points I would scream Lynn's name and I felt like she would look at me even! It was an amazing set. Then, Pierce there Veil came on. I sang along to every single one of their songs, too. When Hold on Till May came on, Vic announced he needed someone from the audience. I screamed so loud that he looked directly at me and laughed. He called me up to the stage.
"Hey, what's your name?" He said so casually.
"Anastasia, Ana for short." I reply after a shocked second.

"Well Ana, I think I'm gonna have you sing along with me if that's okay!" He yells and I reply that that would be amazing.

He starts the song and I jump in singing in harmony. He looks at me in surprise, like he hadn't expected it. I smile and continue. Eventually, I begin crying while singing, remembering this last May when my mother died. Vic gives me a heartfelt hug once the song is over.

"Ana, why don't you just stay on the side stage for the rest? I wanna talk to you after. " He whispers with concern.
I nod back, wiping my eyes and make my way off the stage. I text Katie asking her to come up here with me and when she gets there, they are playing their last set.

Since Jaime was the closest to our side of the stage and he saw what happened, every couple minutes he would look over to make sure we stayed. After they played Bulls in the Bronx, the concert was over and they walked off.

Vic and Jaime come up to me and squish me in a giant hug while Tony and Mike stand there wondering what's happening.
"What happened out there?" Vic asks with concern and I quickly explain how my mother had passed away last May and that song helped me through it all and how their music helped me even now while I was living in the orphanage.
"That's not fair. You didn't deserve any of this. I'm going to help." Jaime says as he reaches for my hand. I flinch at first, but manage to cover it very well.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot. It means a lot to have the honor of dining with ya'll." I smile with tears still in my eyes. "But I gotta get back before they see I'm gone and I lose privileges." I turn to Katie and gesture for her to hug them and leave.

"Bye guys. Thanks for everything." I say to sad faces before walking out of the pavilion with Katie.

The drive home is silent and Katie drops me off without another word. That night I slept well for the first time in weeks and when I woke up, there was someone knocking on my door.

"Ana, someone has decided to overlook your awful taste in clothing and music to adopt you. You'll be leaving in an hour." Mrs. Smith says with disdain as she turns and walks away without waiting for a reply.

I quickly pack my bags and pull on green skinny jeans and a Sleeping with Sirens crewneck and throw on some eyeliner before walking slowly downstairs. Before turning the last corner, I send a text to Katie telling her the news. As I step into the lobby, I see none other than Pierce the Veil standing in front of me.

"Hello," Jaime says quietly.

hey guys! Thanks for reading!! This is my first try at writing anything on here, so if you have any advice please message me!

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