Chapter 1

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Denise's P.O.V.

  Two lights blinded my vision, and I slammed on the brakes before I felt my body lifting from my seat and hitting the roof of the car, moments later smashing to the ground, and the windshield bursting into millions of pieces. My head hit the concrete of the road, and I felt something slither down my face. I briefly head screaming before everything went black.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Last night there was a head-on collision between Railence Street and Fairfax Road. A young girl that goes by the name of Denise Nava was reported to be the victim in the crash. It was announced this morning that the car had flipped in the air, landed upside down, and she was thrown out of the windshield. The young girl is now in coma. It is said that if she does awaken, she will have a brain defection, or may even be paralyzed from the way she hit the ground. More information should be released within the week. I'm Jessica Hernandez, and you're watching Cheshire News." Orange curls fell down her shoulders, and a small reassuring smile was kept on her face, moments later she was replaced by a Toyota commercial.

  My mouth hung open in complete surprise. The girl I hated, the girl I bullied, was now practically dead. A shock of regret flooded through me, but it quickly disappeared when Aiden walked in.

  Aiden gave me a quick nod, his curls bouncing in front of his eyes. He flicked his head to the side, pushing his chestnut hair out of his eyes with his hand in one movement. His teeth grazed his bottom lip, and he looked toward me, noticing I was staring at him.

"Did you hear about Denise?" I asked brushing my hair back, only to have it cover my eyesight once again.

"Who?" Aiden's brows furrowed at my words. I sighed, and he tilted his head slightly to the side before letting out a breath of air. "Oh, her. No, what about her?"

"Apparently she's gotten in a car accident. She's in coma right now." Aiden's eyes met mine, and a small smirk lay on the base of his face before his eye brows rose in amusement.

"Really?" Aiden let out a small laugh. "Seems like she got what she deserved then." I looked toward him with annoyance dancing in my eyes, and he smiled, his dimples popping through his cheeks. "Come on, mate, I told the girls we'd meet them at Starbucks." Aiden stood up, lifting his arms behind his head and stretching his back out. His white t-shirt slightly lifted up, exposing half of his v-line. I stood up abruptly, grabbing my cellphone off of the coffee table next to me and shoving it in my back pocket.

Brittany's P.O.V.

  Two similar faces entered the coffee shop, and I smiled. Harry's fingers grasped the temple of his Ray Bans, and pulled them off gently before looking around the coffee shop for any familiar faces. Aiden pushed his phone into his pocket, and his eyes moved around the shop before stopping onto mine. I slithered off of my chair and walked over to them with a smile on my face.

  Aiden's hands slid around my waist, and he leaned into me, his body heat radiating onto my skin. The scent of Aiden's cologne lingered around us. 

"Hey, babe." Aiden whispered, his lips gently brushing across mine. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I stood on my toes to reach his lips.

"What took you so long to get here?" I asked, pulling away. Aiden smiled, looking over toward Harry.

"Apparently Harry's interested in that slut, Denise." Aiden laughed. Harry's jaw clenched, and he sighed, obviously annoyed.

"Don't kid yourself, Aiden." Harry spat. He looked toward me to explain. "She was in a car accident. It was on the news."

"I saw." I smiled, and Aiden slid his hand into mine. I gently bumped my shoulder on his arm, and his lips touched my forehead.

"Where's everyone else?" Harry asked, looking around.

"They're on their way." I replied, walking back to my table. Harry walked up to the counter, pulling out some money.

  Aiden grabbed my coffee before placing his lips onto the rim, throwing back his head back slightly before allowing a small amount of coffee to enter his mouth. His loose curls bounced as his lips pulled away from the cup, and he set the cup down in front of me, leaving a smirk on his face.

Ricky's P.O.V.

  I walked into Starbucks with Ethan and Payton, my eyes landing on Harry, Aiden, and Brittany almost immediately. Brittany smiled at us, motioning for us to come over and sit down.

"Sorry we're late," I laughed, engulfing Brittany into a hug. "I lost my keys." I quickly gave Aiden a fist bump, and nodded toward Harry.

"It's okay," Brittany replied. "I had company." Aiden's arm wrapped around her shoulder, and he pulled her in close to him, leaving a small kiss on her cheek.

"So now that we're all here," Ethan smiled. "How about a friendly game of truth or dare?" Brittany, Aiden and Payton laughed in unison.

"In Starbucks?" Harry asked confusedly, bringing his coffee cup to his lips.

"Why not? There's a first time for everything." Payton giggled, putting a lock of hair behind her ear.

Aiden's P.O.V.

"Okay, Harry, truth or dare?" I asked, looking toward Harry. Harry's gaze was pointed toward the T.V. on the wall. A woman with fiery orange curls talked into a microphone in front of the Holmes Chapel hospital.

"No new news to report of Denise Nava, all we know is that she's staying at this hospital. If anyone has any information for us about the crash, call 806-HCEN. My name is Jessica Hernandez, and you're watching Cheshire News." The woman said into the T.V.

"Harry!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face, and he turned his gaze to me abruptly. "Truth or dare?"

"Oh," Harry's eyebrows furrowed, and he bit his lip. "Dare."

  I smiled, and looked around the shop for something to dare him. Harry wasn't afraid to do anything, so I might as well do something we'd all remember.

  Nothing in the shop gave me an idea. I continued to look around until my eyes darted toward to the T.V.

"You know how you said Denise was in coma?" I asked, leaving a smirk at the end of the sentence.

"Yeah.." Harry said confusedly.

"I dare you to pretend to be her best friend when she's awake."

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