Chapter 10

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Denise's P.O.V.

  A roaring noise echoed outside, and I slid my top over my head before walking over to the window. 

  Harry leaned against his motorcycle with his arms crossed over his chest, and his chocolate curls pulled back from his face. He wore a black blazer, a white t-shirt underneath. He saw me staring at him through my window, and he gave a slight wave, followed by a smirk. I held my finger up, telling him to hold on a second. He nodded slightly, his hand brushing through his curls.

Harry's P.O.V.

  Her auburn hair fell down her shoulders in light, full waves. She wore a simple navy Hollister shirt that hugged her curves perfectly, and denim skinny jeans that made her legs look shapely. When she approached me, I could tell she wasn't wearing any makeup.

"What are you doing here?" Denise asked confusedly, her hand brushing through her bangs.

"Giving you a ride to school." I looked up at her, not wanting to meet her gaze. "What else?"

"I'm not riding on that thing." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why not? It's not like you haven't ridden it before."


"Get on the bike." I spat. She hugged her books to her chest, her hands shaking lightly.

"No.." She stepped back, and I stood up, walking closer to her.

"I said get on the damn bike." I towered over her, and she looked up at me nervously.

"W-Why?" Her eyes became moist, and her brown hair fell in front of her face.

"Because I said so." I gave a slight smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. "And if you don't, I have no problem with running you over. It's no problem for me."

"F-Fine.." Denise walked slowly toward the bike, placing her backpack on the seat and opening it carefully. She shoved her books inside, zipping it back up and placing it on her back. She sat down, her hands sitting in her lap. Her gaze turned toward her fingers.

"You do realize you're going to have to hang onto me, right?" I spat, turning to face her. "Unless you want to fly off, that is." She opened her mouth slightly, but closed it when nothing came out, and her arms wrapped around my abdomen.

  Trash rolled around the street, cars parked along the side of the road, and one flickering street light stood in the distance. I parked my motorcycle behind a beaten-up minivan. The gold paint on the vehicle started to peel under the hot sun, causing the car to look twice as bad. I purposely went to worst part of town which was twenty-five minutes away from where we lived.

"I need you go in that store," I pointed over to the gas station next door. The sign that said 'Race Track' was covered in dirt, and one small bulb flickered in the 'R'. "And I need you to get something for my girlfriend. It's that time of the month, and I'm sick of hearing her complain." I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket and dug through it until I found a five-dollar bill. "Here's some money. Hurry up, though, I'm not waiting forever." She looked down at the money, carefully grabbed it, and looked at me. She didn't move; she didn't do anything. "What are you waiting for? Go." She flinched at the sudden anger in my voice but backed away, moments later turning around and heading for the gas station. I pulled my phone out with a small smile on my face, dialing Aiden's number.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"We're here. She just went inside." I smiled, looking over at the small, run-down shop.

"Do as we planned, mate." I could hear the happiness in his voice.

"Got it." I hung up the phone, quickly sliding it back into my pocket, and hit the ignition, a sudden roar coming from the muffler. With that, I turned the motorcycle around, and headed for home. Leaving Denise to fend for herself in a small town that my mates and I like to call hell.

Flashback over

"I've ridden on this before?" Her mouth hung open, and she turned her gaze to the pristine bike sitting in front of her driveway.

"You have." I said, sliding my Ray Bans off of my shirt and placing them on the bridge of my nose. She looked nervous, unsure. "You'll be fine." I lifted the helmet off of the seat and handed it to her. She looked down at it for a moment, seconds later taking it in her hands and putting it over her face.

  People stared as we walked down the halls. Some mouths hung open, some people leaned over to whisper things to their friends. Some even yelled out things.

"Why are they staring?" Denise whispered, putting her hands over her mouth.

"They're just surprised you made it, is all." I sighed, glaring at a few people with anger in my eyes. "Don't worry about it."

Denise's P.O.V.

  Everyone stared. Eyes burned holes into me, and I could still feel peoples eyes on me as we walked down the hall.

"Why are they staring?" I whispered, putting my hands over my mouth insecurely.

"They're just surprised you made it, is all." He let out a breath of air. "Don't worry about it." I sure hope so.

"Harry!" Someone squealed, running over to us. She had dark brown hair that fell down her shoulders in curls. Her brown eyes gleamed, and a huge smile was on her face. She ran into Harry's arms and giggled, holding him tightly.

"Hey, babe." He smiled, his dimples showing through his cheeks. She looked up at Harry, and he leaned in, his lips touching hers. She leaned against his chest, moments later looking over at me.

"Hi, I'm Justyce." The girl held out her hand for me, and I took it with a small smile.

"Denise." I shook her hand slowly, letting go moments later. The bell rang, and people began walking away, taking momentarily glances at us.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Harry said to Justyce. He put his lips to her cheek, and she smiled. "I love you, babe."

"Love you too." Justyce said, wrapping her arms around Harry for the last time before running off the opposite direction.

"Come on, we're going to be late." Harry said, grabbing my wrist lightly.

  People's eyes watched us as we walked in, Harry awkwardly coughed, letting go of my wrist and heading for the two empty seats in the back.

"Harry, Denise, nice of you to be joining." A man about the age of sixty said. He wore big glasses, and what was left of his hair was grey. His stomach popped out farther than anything else on him, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Well if they didn't make the classes so damn far from the parking lot maybe we'd get here sooner." Harry mumbled, pulling the chair back and sitting in it lazily. A few kids laughed, the teacher having a smile on his face.

"Well maybe if Mr. Perfect could come to school earlier rather than making sure his hair his perfect for all of the ladies, we wouldn't have this problem." He smiled, his teeth showing perfectly.

"You know, I could help you with yours too." Harry said, taking out a pencil. "You don't have to let jealousy get the best of you." By then the whole class was laughing, including the teacher.

"Alright, lets just drop the subject, shall we?" The teacher grinned, turning his gaze from Harry to me. "Oh, and Denise, my name is Mr. Shwartz."

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