Chapter 30

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Harry's P.O.V.

  Everyone was here. Everyone was here; scribbling on paper, whispering back-and-forth, even listening to the teacher explain how chemical compounds can be separated into simpler substances. Everyone was here except her. No one seemed to notice that she was even missing. No one even seemed to notice that I was sitting back here, brushing my fingertip against the flame wheel of my lighter with my legs resting against one of the empty desks. No one seemed to notice anything.

  But that's how people are in this generation. Ignorant.

  The bell finally rang, and I stood up, shoving the lighter inside of my back pocket, and grabbing my jacket, swinging it over my shoulder.

  I pushed myself through the crowd of people, shoving them away from me as I walked. Voices drowned out the hallways, hundreds of different conversations flowing in one small area. I ignored the looks I was getting as I walked towards the front doors.

"Harry!" A voice called over the noises. I sighed, turning my head. Aiden was running through the crowd, pushing people as he ran past them. As he caught up with me, he took a deep breath, opening his eyes widely. "Where are you going, mate?"

"I'm going to Denise's house." I watched as the swarm of hormonal teenagers began to subside, the students slowly disappearing one by one into the classrooms.

"Harry.." Aiden shook his head, his small curls bouncing as he did.

"Aiden, I love her, okay? I'm not going to let her go that easily!" I brought my hand to a fist, slamming it into the gray locker next to me. Aiden jumped, sighing.

"I know you do, mate. Just give her a few days to herself. Just to think things over." His voice was calm, but his eyes were filled with rage.

"What's the difference? If I give her a few days she'll still feel the way she does now! You're not changing my mind, so stop trying." I spat, fisting my jacket in my hand. Things were quiet. He just stood there, staring at me. His gaze became weaker as he watched me, noticing the pain I was trying to hide behind my violent figure.

"You're right." He spoke, looking away. Aiden sighed, bringing his long fingers towards his hair, brushing the curls away from his eyes. "Go." He pointed towards the doors, moments later crossing his arms over his chest and stepping away from me. I nodded, turning and running through the doors of the school, heading for my bike.

  Gray clouds were scattered across the sky in thick, round clumps. Wind blew my hair from my face, and small chills ran up my arms as I rode down the street.

  Finally, I arrived at her house. Her stone walkway was surrounded by various plants, and my eyes moved to her window. I lifted my helmet off, swinging my leg over the bike and heading towards her front door.

"Harry?" Maria questioned as she opened the door.

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded towards her, giving a small smile.

"Hi, sweetie! What are you doing here?" She gave a polite grin, rubbing the palms of her hands on her apron.

"I'm actually here to speak to Denise, if that's okay." Her smile dropped, and she looked at me confusedly.

"Denise..." She shook her head slowly, confusion covering her face. "She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I watched as a few strands of her messy black hair fell in front of her eyes. She grabbed them, pulling them behind her ear.

"Honey, she left last night with Angela.." Maria leaned against the white door frame, crossing her arms. "Did something happen between you and Denise the other day? She seemed pretty upset."

"Minor fight; do you mind telling me where she is?" I shoved my hand in my pocket, pulling out a black pen from my pocket.

"Harry, if the fight was so bad that it hurt her so much to leave.. I don't think I should." Maria sighed, looking down. "What happened?" When she looked up at me again, hurt filled her eyes.

"I... I don't have time right now, Ms. Nava, but I love your daughter; she's everything to me and I need her; she needs me.. please.. Just give me the address." I whispered, holding out the pen for her again. Her gaze moved down to the pen, slightly shaking in my grasp. She watched it for what seemed to be forever; and then she sighed, grabbing the pen. I pulled my arm our for her, and she wrapped her small fingers around my wrist, clicking the pen open, she began to scribble the address down. "London? She lives in London?"

"Yes, London." Maria let go of my arm gently, handing the pen back. I slid it into my pocket, stepping back.

"Thank you for the address, Ms. Nava." I gave a small smile, nodding her way.

"Harry, I told you that you can call me Maria." She smiled, taking a step back and holding onto the door knob.

"Right, sorry ma'am." I turned, preparing to leave. "Thank you."

"It's no problem, love." She closed the door gently as I walked down to my bike.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing Aiden's number.

"Harry?" Aiden asked into the phone.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm calling to let you know that I wont be home tonight." I said, grabbing my helmet off of the seat and preparing to sit down.

"Where are you going?" Aiden coughed into the phone, waiting for my reply.

"London." I clicked the end call button, shoving my phone into my pocket and starting the motorcycle.

A/N: I'm really sorry that this chapter wasn't that long nor good, I've had so much work to do it's crazy! Next chapter, you wont have to wait as long I promise.
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