Chapter 14

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Grace's POV

My dad came over to us and he looked scared and extremely sad.

"How can this be?" My dad asked doctor June

"Well your wifes fetus wasn't able to survive anymore, we aren't sure what causes this, but it's one of the most common things that happen in early pregnancy." Doctor June said,

"Can we go see her? I know i'm not her favourite person in the world at the moment, but still I want to make sure she's alright." My dad said

"I'm really sorry, and yes you guys can go see her. She may not want any company, and she may want to be on antidepressants, losing a child is very traumatic and can make people very depressed, but give her sometime." The doctor said to us.

"Ok, what's her room number? Grace are you coming? Becky?" My dad asked us.

"She's in room number 215." Doctor June told us.

"You go dad, I'm going to see Sean and finish my meal we'll be there soon." I told my dad.

"Ok, congraduatlions on the triplets Grace, I'm sure you'll make a great mother and I hope Sean is alright to." My dad said and then left to find my mothers room.

"I have to go make some more rounds, but I will be back soon, and Grace make sure to make your next appointment before leaving the hospital today. We should be seeing you again in another month or so, but if there is anything wrong you can come in right away." Doctor June said to me.

"Ok thank you, and I will don't worry." I told her.

Doctor June left us with Doctor Seth, I don't know why he was still here.

"I better get going to, I guess I'll go check on Sean once again, if you want to come with me Grace?" Seth asked me.

I really wanted to go see Sean, but I was still really hungry and I couldn't bring food to him.

"No thank you, I'm going to go up as soon as I'm done my food, can you tell him that?" I asked him.

"Sure, oh and Becky can I speak to you for a moment?" Seth asked Becky.

"Sure" Becky said and followed him to another part of the vistor's area, I wondered what he wanted to ask her, I mean I think Becky has a girlfriend, but I'm not sure I have still have to ask her about that..

"Finally I can eat my food, do you want to come with me up to Sean's room when I go?" I asked Kara.

"No, it's fine I can visit later I'll give you guys some privacy and I'll hang with Becky or something like that." Kara said to me.

"Thanks and ok sounds good." I said and took a bite of my Big Mac, it tasted really good except it was cold, but whatever.

Sean's POV

My head hurt alot, how long have I been here for? I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital room, but where was Grace? I thought she would be here right away unless something happened? Oh god I hope not! I sat up so I would be more comfotable and could see the room better, it wasn't a bad room the walls were painted a bad blue but oh well. I heard footsteps coming, I looked towards to door maybe it's Grace?

"Grace is that you?" I asked, then a doctor appeared nope it wasn't her.

"No sorry, I'm Doctor Seth I've been talking to Grace, she told me to tell you that she will up right away once she finishes her lunch, she would have been up sooner, but something happened and she had to deal with that." Doctor Seth said.

"Ok and is she alright? It's not her is it?" I asked him.

"No, it's her mother she had a miscarriage." He said.

Oh no, that's horrible I couldn't believe that her mother had a miscarrige! I would be so depressed if Grace and I lost these babies.

"That's not good, when can I leave?" I asked him.

Seth came over to me, and put a light in my eyes as I followed it, he asked me what the date was and everything like that I think I did alright.

"You can go home in a few hours, I can get you something for the pain in your head if you like." He told me.

"Sure that would be great thanks." I said to him.

"A nurse will be over soon to give you something and then I'll be back with the release papers so you can sign them. Also I called your parents and they're on their way over here." Seth said.

"Ok great that's awesome." I said.

Doctor Seth left the room, I really hoped Grace would come soon I missed her and the babies so much. I wonder what we are going to name them, I like the name Colton, Hunter, and Bradley, and for a girl I like the names Hayley, Kacey, Skylar, Brianne, Nicole, and Cassadee there were so many other good names, but I couldn't think of any.

Grace better hurry up, I'm starting to get tired again a concusion sure can take a lot out of you, maybe if I close my eyes for a bit she'll hurry up.  I put my head agaisnt the pillow and started to sleep.

A/N: I guess this would be a good time to mention that Sean is actually 16 and Grace is 15, I'm going to change the ages in a bit but yeah. Hope you guys liked this chapter even though it's really short.

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