It all started with a test

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Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! How could I have been so stupid? I was starring at the positive sign on the pregnancy test. I couldn't believe it! Me a 16 year old pregnant! My parent's were not going to take it well.

"Grace are you okay in there?" My mother knocked on the door. I hope she didn't come in, the door was locked, but it was one of those that you could easily unlock.

"Yeah mom I'm fine don't worry I haven't been in here for that long" I told her

"15 minutes is a long time Grace, are you sure you're okay?" She said

"Mom I'm fine don't worry so much" I said

Okay so maybe 15 minutes is a long time but I couldn't help it! Being pregnant at 16 is alot to handle in 15 minutes, I hope they don't find out, I stick the test in my back pocket and cover it with my t-shirt. I walk out of the bath room to find my parents waiting.

"What took you so long?" My mom and dad asked me

""I told you mom already nothing is wrong so  seriously  nothing is wrong if there was I would tell you"

"Grace just tell us what you were doing in that bathroom" My dad said

"I was.. uhm" Crap I couldn't tell them the truth, they would kill me. I was supposed to be a virgin till I was like 20 

"You were what?" My dad said.

"It's a female thing dad you wouldn't understand" I said

"I think I would understand Grace, Becky has gone though what ever you are going though right now" My dad said

Yeah right Becky got pregnant at 16 she totally went though it.

"Dad, can we just not talk about it right now?" I said

"Alright well I'm going to go in the kitchen and making myself a snack before dinner" My dad said and left the room.

"So how are you and Sean? You seem to be getting pretty serious" My mom said

"Mom we have only been dating for a year, it's not that serious at least I don't think" I told her

"Okay, the last thing I want is my 16 year old daughter to be pregnant. Are you sure you're okay? You seem to be getting sick in the morning's" my mom said

"Oh ya I'm fine, just my time of the month that's all, and don't worry mom I don't want to have sex till i'm at least 18" I said

"Alright, well I'm going to get dinner ready before your father fills up on snacks" My mom said

"Okay" I said, my mom left the room, and I head up stairs.

"What's that in your pocket? I can see it clearly from your t-shirt " Becky my sister ask's.

"Nothing, it's none of our business" I said

"Okay, but I can tell that's a pregnancy test by the way" She said

"What? How? I'm not pregnant!"

"I didn't say you were" She reaches for the test and grabs it out of my pocket.

"Sure you're not? I know how to read these things i'm not stupid, wait till mom find's out she's going to kill you" She said

"She's not going to find out" I said

"Not unless I tell her" She said

"You wouldn't dare!" I said

"I will, for a small price of course" She said

"Fine, what do you want? Name it anything" I said

"Your allowance for the whole 9 months until your baby comes" She said

"What?! Fine" I said

"So when are you going to tell mom and dad" She asked

"I don't know" I said

"Oh alright, but you better hide this" She said

"No shit, the last thing I want is mom finding it and talking about it to dad, he doesn't need to know these things" I said

"When are you going to tell Sean? I can't believe you did it!" She said

"Shut up! And after dinner" I said

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" My mom yelled

"Coming!" We both shout at the same time, Becky goes down first, I follow her.

I put the test in my sock drawer and head down for dinner.

Dinner was more awkward this time, knowing that I was pregnant, I didn't know what I should eat, oh well we where having lasagna which was my favourite dinner dish! I guess it was alright, it shouldn't harm the baby, I'll have to pick up one of those books on baby's later.

After dinner was over, I texted Sean.

Me:Hey can I come over? I gotta tell you something

Him: Yeah sure

Me: Okay coming now see you in a bit. I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to get my coat.

"Where are you going?' My mom asked

"I'm going to Sean's house for a bit" I said

"Alright, but be back by 9:30"


I put on my coat and shoes and start walking to Sean's house. When I arrived at Sean's house, I rang the doorbell just like I would do everytime I went to his house, but knowing that I had to tell him something important it was different.

"Hello Grace" Sean's mother said as she opened the door

"Hi, is Sean home? I told him I was coming over I have to tell him something important " I asked her

"Yeah he is upstairs but whatever you have to tell him just don't break up with him your a good girl Grace and your good for him, but the last thing I want is you pregnant and I know that you guys probably won't have sex until you're 19 or whatever, but just don't break up with him" She said

That was weird..  Why would he tell his mom about how I wanted to talk with him? 

"I'm not going to break up with him don't worry, and we aren't having sex I can assure of you that" I said and went upstairs and knock on the door. I really hated lying to everyone

"Come in" I hear Sean say. I turn the door handle, and walk inside.

"Hey, what did you want to talk about? Please don't break up with me I love you Grace" Sean said

"First of all, why did you tell your mom that I wanted to talk to you? Its our business they should't know about it.." 

"Sorry I was just freaking out and none of my friends were answering there phones.." 

"No, I'm not going to break up with you, it has something to do about what we did in the last 3 weeks, and I love you to" I said

"You when we went to the movies? I told you to pick the movie, but you insisted we went to see Death Eaters. 

"No I loved it it was amazing" I said

"Then what's wrong?" Sean asked. I couldn't believe what I was about to say, I had to do it. I took a deep breath and said

"I'm pregnant"


Heey guy's hope you like it :D .

O.O I wonder what's going to happen, will he freak out? Will he break up with her? Find out in the next chapter





It all started with a test (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now