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"You really don't know, do you bucket head?"....

Sam and Peter were sitting in their dorm room, bord out of there minds. "Hey Webs? Wanna head to the arcade? I've got a free pass." Peter shoots up from his bed. "Why didn't you bring this up hours ago!?" Nova thinks for a second. "Didn't remember till now." Peter just sighs and jumps off from his bunk down to Sam's. "I have two so we both can go, but what about Fury? We'll never get past him." Spidey smirks "Don't worry, I sneak out all the time" Nova shakes his head and they both start running for the exit. "You know Webs, your pretty cleaver for a book worm" They turn a corner, still running. "Thanks, I think."
Parker grabs Sam's collar before he could run in front of Nick's office. "We don't want him seeing us. Let's head this way." He points upwards to a open vent. "So this is how you skip training. Nice one Web head!"

((Time skip brought to you by Stark!))

The two young heroes walked down the sidewalk in a comfortable silence. Sam would sometimes look up at the web slinger and admire his looks, he loved how the other would still wear his glasses, even though he has no need for them. Parker looked down at Nova but the moonboy quickly looked away, a light blush on his face. "Were here bucket head." The bright, neon, lights shown down on them. Inviting them for a game or two. "O-oh, yeah. Let's head in then." 'What's up with Sam?' Peter thought to himself. Just as Sam was about to enter the arcade, Peter grabbed his hand. "Wait up a bit, are you feeling okay?" Sam turned to him and blushed. "Y-yeah, um, of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Pete shook his head. "Well, for one your blushing like crazy, and two, your stuttering around me. Which is way off from our normal banter." Sam looks off to the side and mutters something under his breath. "What was that?" Sam repeats his action, this time even quieter. "Sam...." Peter gently grabs his chin and forces nova to look at him. "Its okay, you can tell me..." Sam sighs. Should he tell him? 'I bet he doesn't even...' "Sammy?"

....."I like you..."


"I said I like you dork! B-but you probably don't feel the same and I'm probably a freak to you now so..." he tries to walk away but Peter turns him right back around and pulls him close. 'Damned spider powers...' "W-web head?"
Peter smiles and looks down at Sam. "You really don't know, do you bucket head?" Sam looks at the web slinger, utterly confused. "Peter-" He cuts him off by giving him a sweet kiss on the lips, it was a small, warming kiss that made the winter weather feel like spring. They parted. "P-pete?" Sam's words came out more like a squeak. "I like you to, shorty" Sam blushed a light shade of pink. "Now let's get to gaming shall we?" Sam nodded as they walked into the arcade, hands intertwined. "But you know Sam, this doesn't change the fact that I'm still the better hero~" Nova smirks "Oh hoho, your on webs!" They run and start a night full of games.

((End, don't you just love this ship? I know I do! So cute!!! I'm trash I know XD))

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