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[Pareing: Septiplier ... cuz y not]
[Jack bar tender au]

It was the middle of summer around 9:30 pm and Mark had just turned the legal age to drink. So, Wade had the brilliant idea to take Mark to a club in L.A to have his first drink.
((God damit wade!)) "Wade, I'm not sure if this is a good idea... at all." Wade chuckles and puts his arm around Marks shoulders. "Come on Mark! Me and Bob go here all the time!" "Correction, yall USED to come here all the time. Till you made a complete fool of yourself." The two walked up to the bodyguard guy and he let them in. Immediately they were greeted with flashing lights, moving bodies, and an extremely loud DJ "Woah..." Mark almost fell back due to the two girls rushing past them. "This is just the beginning my fri- Mark?" Marks face grew pale as he began to panic. 'Shit, he has anxiety!' "Wade I don't think I c-can do this I..." Wade cut him off by dragging him over to a surprising clear bar. "Mark you alright? I'm so sorry, I completely forgot! We can leave if you need to." Wade spoke with concern and worry in his voice. The blue hair boy sighed and ran his hands down his face. "No, its fine. Let enjoy ourselves. Just... away from the crowd." Wade smiled and sat down next to Mark at the counter. "I know what might make you feel better, how about this place's special? Its called 'The Replay' best drink I've ever had!" Mark lightens up a bit and agreed. "Hey! Jack! Could you get us two Replays please!" A green haired boy slightly shorter than Mark roles over on black Rollerblades. He's dressed in a classic bartenders top but with a twist. His pockets had chains hanging from them, and his tie was red with black skulls on them. He also had black skinny jeans on with chains and a belt identical to the tie. Mark had no words as Jack rolled over. "Wade!? Bit surprised to even see your face around here in one piece after what happened last time! That guy whooped your arse!!!" Wade gave Jack a look and pointed to the side. "Oh! Excuse my rudeness! Who's this you got with cha? Your Boyfriend? If not then I call dibbs." The Irishman chuckeled and made the drinks while talking. "You know I don't role that way Seán, and this is Mark." Mark's cheeks burn with embarrassment at Jacks previous comment."Hi. Um, its nice to meet you. Jack? Seán? I um..." Jack winks at Mark. "Seán will suffice. Here you go guys, two Replays. On the house." Wade has already chugged down his drink while Mark stares at his nervously. Pink and green swirls around, inviting him for a sip. "Well, what are you waiting for? Take a drink." Jack gives him a warm smile and scoots the drink closer. "Okay, here goes nothing..."

(Time skip, its around. 11:00)

"Wade, I- I think we *Hic* should walk home." Mark and Wade call it a night and Wade is trying to drive home. Neither of them are in any condition to be driving but at least Mark had some since. "Mark I'm fine! I can d-drive!" Wade attempts to put the key into the door but fails miserably. "Mark? Wade? What the hell do you think your doing?" Jack runs out dressed in his black flannel and red converses, but same pants as before. "O-oh H-hi Seán... Please tell Wade he can't drive!" Mark blushes slightly as he gestures over to his intoxicated friend. "Wade, how about I give y'all a ride back to my place. You two are in no condition to drive." Wade grunts and reluctantly accepts his offer and jack walks him to the car. (I don't know cars so decide X3)

Wade lays spralled out in the back seat, out like a light. Mark sits upfront with Seán twiddling his thumbs. His face a light shade of pink. "T-thanks for letting us come over. If you had dent shown up. No telling what would of happened..." Jack smiles and turns a corner. "No problem. Anything for a cutie like you." Marks turns away from the Irishman and blushes deeply. Jack just chuckles and continues to drive, a few minuets later they pull into the driveway. "Okay, were here." Jack and Mark get out of the car. "What about Wade?" The walk up to the door. "Leave em, Im sure as hell not picking him up." They both laugh and enter his apparent. "Nice place you got here. Much nicer than Wades house." Jack smiles. "Thanks" Jack follows mark to his room to to show him where he'll be sleeping. " You can sleep in here tonight. I'll take the couch." Sudden guilt pings in Marks chest. "W-wait? Are you sure!? I'd feel bad if you didn't get sleep. You've been working almost all night." Mark nervously fidgets in place. Its not that he didn't mind them in the same bed, he's just unsure if Jack would be okay with it. "Alright, suit cher self!" Jack takes off his shirt then plops into bed. "Well, ya coming?" Mark walks over to the other side of the bed with lies down beside jack... It really couldn't get any more awkward than this. "Jack?" He responds with a 'Hm'? "Um, g-goodnight." Mark roles over on his side, facing opposite of Sean. "Hehe, goodnight, Markimoo~" Jack turns around and wraps his arms around Marks waist and pulls him close. Easing any fear Mark had before. Together they fell asleep excited for tomorrow.

[Sorry for lack of content.]

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