So, your move, ninja ((RC9GN))

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"Howard you haaave to believe me! I saw Mc Fist in the alleyway, I have to go ninja!" Howard gives the Purple haired teen a look of disbelief. "Fine! But if you shoob this one up I'm sure the Nomicon won't be forgiving!" His words were lost because Randy had already chased after Mc Fist, slipping on his mask.
"Stop right there!" The Businesses man backs up a few steps before shouting at the ninja. "Listen Ninja! I have no beef with you! All i was doing was picking up this little guy!" Mc Fist holds up a fragile little kitten from off the street. "What the juice!? You arnt...but you... fine! Never mind!" Randy storms off back to Howard.

(Time skip to Randy's house)

"Cunningham this is your 7th time this week! Why are you so on edge!?" Randy looks up from his comic book. "Because, I.. I don't know why actually. Its been way to calm here lately" The nomicon glows. "Your book is calling, don't think I'm dropping this either just because you have to shloomp onto that thing." He sighs. "I'll be back Howard..."
-inside the book-

"What is it now nomicon?"

"Stay calm while staying alert."

"What's that's supposed to mean!?" Randy sits on the temple floor, running his hand though his hair. "It means, ninja, that you need to cut loose, even someone like you needs a break sometime." 'Who the juice was that!?' "Over here." Randy turns around to see NomiRandy, an exact copy of himself, the only visiabal difference was his red eyes and his hoodie over his head. "Oh great, you again. Come to ruin my life by switching bodies. Thanks to you I've lost my chance with Terrisa." Or, maybe it was the fact he's lost all interest in girls, but anyways, it was fun to put the blame on Nomi. "So your done with females? Interesting..." Randy jumps up. "How the cheese did you!" Nomirandy walks in front of the naive ninja. "I can read your mind, dork."
"Oh... well then what do you want?" His counterpart smirks. "I want to kiss you~" Randy blushes. "Excuse me I don't think I heard that right. You what!?" He takes a step closer. "I. Like. You." Randy gulps and looks away from Nomi. "Okay, you sound like a narsasictic ass. I'm technically you. So..." Nomirandy pulls the teen close to him, wrapping his arms around the others waist. "So maybe I am, I still need an answer." Randy looked everywhere but in the direction of Nomi, trying to escape the problem but sadly the nomicon decided it wasn't going to interfere. "Your stubborn you know that?" Randy snaps his head twords Nomi, about to say something smart back but he was cut off by a pair of similar lips meeting his. But it ended as soon as it started. "Nomi...Randy?"
"I... I think I like you to..."
He smiles. "Of course you do. Shall we continue?"

((And that was the end of that! I wrote this at 1:00 in the morning.... so tired... goodnight))

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