Chapter 5

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"So... What are we going to do?" I asked. "Swim to land." He said. "But its farther away then it looks. Won't it be tiring?" I asked. "I don't care, thats a chance I'm willing to take." He said. "We could die, Killian! Die!" I cried. "Sh Emma calm down! We'll make it." He reassured me. "Come on, let's swim to shore." He said, swimming off. I swam along side him. The island was slowly getting closer. All of a sudden Killian stopped. "Stay still, lass. Don't move an inch." He said. I stopped swimming and lightly paddled my legs so I wouldn't drown. "Killian?" I asked, frightened. "I'll swim to you. Reach your hand out." He said. "Killian?" I asked again, more frightened. "Sh. Give me your hand, love." He said. I slowly reached out my hand. He grabbed it and slowly, gently, pulled me closer to him. Once I was literally in his arms, he turned me around. A froze with fear. Normally, I wouldn't be so fearful, but we had no weapons and no way to fight it. Right in my face, a saltwater crocodile was paddling. "Killian? What do we do?" I asked, frightened. "Slowly paddle away." He said. I took him by the hand, and together we slowly kicked our feet until we were away from the crocodile. "Why do you want to protect me so much?" I asked. "Are you saying you think I would want anyone to die?" He asked, confused. "No. I'm saying why is my life so important to you?" I asked. "Because I don't want a crocodile to take someone important from my life again." He said. "A crocodile killed Milah? I though Rumple did." I said, confused. "I called Rumple 'Crocodile'." He responded. "You care for me?" I asked. I promised myself I would never fall in love again. Every time I do, they are ripped away from me. I can't let that happen again. "I do." He smiled. I have never heard this side of him. Instead of being his usual casual joking self, he was actually caring and being serious. "Killian," I started. "Please accept that." He begged. "I just, I can't." I said. "What? Why not? I thought this would finally work out!" He said, surprised. "Finally?" I asked. "Ever since the beanstalk." He smiled. "Killian, I don't want to loose you." I said. "But you're pushing me away, and blocking me out." He said. There goes my wall again. Just like when Mary Margaret told me I felt something with Graham. I put up a wall. "Killian, everyone I've ever loved..." I started. "Have been pulled away." He finished. I nodded. "You've told me. But I'll be different! I'll..." He began. I pulled him closer to me. This was a lot easier to do, since we were floating in the water. He stopped saying what he was saying. "I guess I'm living up to the name of being a pirate." He whispered, holding my hand. "What?" I laughed. "I stole your heart." He smiled, leaning his nose against mine. I closed my eyes against his, and kissed him. I felt the metal of his hook go against my waist. All of a sudden, we rose out of the water. "You can let go of me now." I said. "No, I can't." He said. "Killian!" I laughed. Then I looked down and realized we were be lifted aboard a ship, tied together by rope. We were pulled aboard a huge ship and were ordered to introduce ourselves. "Emma Swan?" I said, confused. "Now the pirate!" A voice growled. "Killian Jones." He announced. Someone then untied us. I grabbed Killian's hand. A mad then walked up to us. I looked at him and growled "Greg." He grinned. "Its nice to see you two are trying hard to get Henry back." I rolled my eyes."We would be trying, if we hadn't been dumped off the Jolly Rodger." Killian hissed. Then someone hit us across the head from behind with a pole. When I woke up, I was in a prison cell like room, along with Killian. "Killian!" I exclaimed, happy to see him. He hugged me. "So where are we?" I asked. "Looks like Neverland." He grinned. "Well I knew that." I smiled. All of a sudden out of the darkness I heard "Throw him with the others. He's no help to us!" Our door unlocked. Killian and I rushed to escape but we were pushed back as someone else was thrown in with us. There was a bag over his head, and he was short. "Snap the rope around the bag off with your hook." I suggested. "Its gone. They have it." He frowned. I grabbed the bag and pulled but it wouldn't come off the boys head. He was saying something but all I heard was mumbling. I found a rock ok the ground, and sawed it again the rope, until it broke. I then pulled the bag of the boys head. "Henry!?" I yelled. He ran into my arms and hugged me. "I missed you so much!" He said. "I missed you too!" I cried. "Where's grandma and grandpa?" He asked. "On the ship with Regina and Gold." I sighed. Killian then walked up to us. "Hey, boy." He smiled. "Wha-what are you doing here?" Henry said, frightened. "Helping." He smiled. "Don't worry Henry. He was helping find you." I smiled. "But he's Hook. A villain!" He yelled, frightened. "Actually, I go by Killian now and I'm on your mom's team." Killian explained. "How did you two get here?" He asked. We explained the whole story, except the kissing and thing like that of course. "What about David and Mary Margaret!?" He asked, worried. "Will they be ok." I frowned. "I don't know, kid." He sat on the floor. "Hey, but they'll find us and save us." I said. "How do you know?" He asked. "Because they always do and will never give up." I replied. I sat on the ground next to him. Killian came over and say next to me. "Do we tell him?" He whispered. "Tell him what?" I whispered back. "About us." He smiled. "Is there an us?" I asked. "If that's what you want." He said. "It is." I whispered back, kissing his cheek. "Remember, no secrets." Henry told me. "Do you really want to know?" I asked him. He nodded. "Ok, Killian and I... We are..." I started. "We are in love." Killian smiled. "No!" Henry yelled. Killian looked offended. "Henry, he's not a villain." I said. "But you and my dad!" He pleaded. "Henry, Neal is gone." I said. "You don't know that!" He yelled. "Look, I know this is hard, but I promise I'll take care of you and your mom." Killian said. "You're not my dad are you?" Henry asked, worried. "No." Killian laughed. "Henry, he's better then Neal." I smiled. "Neal was good, not evil." He said. "He saved me, Henry. He's not evil." I said "Plus, I can teach you to sail a pirate ship too." Killian laughed. That made Henry smile. "Once I get the Jolly Rodger back." Killian smiled back. Then the door opened again. This time we didn't dash through the door. I was in shock. David and Mary Margaret were shoved into the cell with us. "Looks like the whole family's here." Henry said, worried. Before the door shut, Hold was thrown in too. "Crocodile." Hook whispered. "Don't think about it." I said to him. "I thought you were with Regina." I said to Gold. "She tricked me." He hissed. Then Regina walked up to the bars of the cell, followed by Tamara and Greg. "Mom?" Henry yelled in shock. Henry?" She whispered back. "Mom! Don't do this!" He yelled. "To late." Tamara yelled. "The evil queen has mirrors that help us a lot." Greg laughed. "How do you think we found you?" Tamara laughed back. "And Emma, look at this." Tamara grinned, holding the mirror to the bars. In it I saw Neal walking alive, along side Aurora, Mulan, and a man they called Phillip. "Those four are next to be here with you." Greg announced. "What do you want with them?" David asked. "They are the only others who will find this place. They are searching for you, helping Neal find you. They'll find you, all of them, sooner or later." Tamara smiled. "What do you think of that, Hook?" Greg laughed. Killian looked down at my hand, which was still holding his. "What do I think?" He asked him. "Well you loving Emma, I thought this would upset you. Emma and Neal, reunited." He smiled. "Why would he care?" David growled. "We pulled them out of the water, ruining a moment." Tamara smiled. "Would you like to tell? Or should we?" She taunted. "It was nothing." I said. "A kiss? It looked like more then nothing." Greg announced. David angrily yelled "Kiss?!" At me. "Stop! It was just a small kiss!" I yelled. "It meant nothing." I whispered. I knew it meant something. Killian's grasp on my hand released. I tried to grab his hand back, but he moved it away. "It did mean something! I swear!" I whispered to him. "If you loved wouldn't care what your parents think of us." He said back. "Fine! It meant something!" I blurted out. The cell got quiet. Killian smiled. "And why do you need Aurora, Phillip, and Mulan?" Mary Margaret interrupted. "They will know more about magic then ever, and still search for you." Greg said. "They will all be brought here with you." Tamara smiled. At once I realized evil was winning. Greg and Tamara could get Neal, Phillip, Aurora, and Mulan here if they managed to get everyone else. Then Killian grabbed my hand again. "It will be ok." He said. "But evil is actually winning." I cried. "Maybe Regina will save us." He said. "then what? All of us will go back to Storybrooke along with Aurora, Mulan, and Phillip?" I asked. "Why not?" He smiled. "I doubt Regina will change this time." I said. I looked out the cell to see the three of them walking away. "Now to get the only four we need." Tamara announced. "Neal. Aurora. Phillip. Mulan." Greg laughed. "It might get crowded in that cell." Regina laughed, finally joining them. All hope inside of me was lost evil will win.

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