Chapter 11

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I grabbed Henry's hand and we walked towards Granny's. It was hard to pay attention to where I was walking and look at Henry while he was talking at the same time. I looked down at Henry for a second and ended up running into someone, making them tumble to the floor. "I'm so sorry!" I said, reaching down to help up the man. They looked up at me and smiled. "Glad to here that." They said. "Hi, Neal." I said, upset. "How's it going with that lying, murderous, tricky pirate?" He grinned. "Lying? Murderous? Tri... well I see that one." I asked. "He lied to me and killed my mother." Neal said. "No, your father killed her. Killian loved her and she loved him so she left your father." I argued. "Hook took her from my father and he should be punished for that." Neal yelled. "Neal, don't let your father influence you." I said. "I never want to be like him, trust me." He said. The words trust me echoed in my head. I then remembered the beanstalk. "Can you trust me?" Neal asked. "Why?" I asked back. "Because I have news that I'm going to tell you. Its hard for me to tell you this but will you believe me when I tell you?" He asked. I nodded. "My dad is planning on setting Hook up for something so you'll have to put  him in jail." He said. "Then I'll prove he's guilty." I argued. "You almost believed your own mother killed someone once." He said. "How do you know about that?" I asked. "I Rumpelstiltskin's son. I know things." He frowned. "Thats not something you should tell people around here." I said. "I know, but my dad also knows about us." He said. "Or what used to be us." I whispered. "And he knows that you putting Hook in jail and believing he murdered the person will get him to stop seeing you." He said. "You're sure you had nothing to do with this plan?" I asked. "Promise. Plus, I don't know the plan. I only know what I told you." He said, walking away. All of a sudden a scream came from the ally by Granny's. I pulled out my gun and krept towards the ally. Henry slowly followed me. "Henry, I would rather you wait over there." I whispered. "Please." He begged. I rolled my eyes and laughed, then kept walking. We got to the ally to see Aurora screaming over a bloody body of Mulan. "What happened?" I asked. "I just came here to meet her and I found her dead." She cried. "It's ok, we'll figure this out." I said. "Henry go wait in Granny's with Aurora." I said. I pulled out a flash light and started to look for clues. Near the body was a small black leather coin pouch with bloddy fingerprints on it. I asked everyone in town if they knew who it belonged to. No one could tell me until I got to Mr Gold. "Isn't that Hook's?" He asked. "Killian's" I corrected him. "And I doubt he did this." I added. "Go ask, scan fingerprints, find more clues." He said. Mr Gold and I walked back to the scene where we found that three  A/N: Sorry, I know nothing about guns except how to shoot one so if the following information on bullets and hand guns is wrong, sorry. :P ~~~~ 357 magnum hand gun bullet was found in Mulan's neck. I wrote that down and headed towards the Jolly Rodger. Neal then caught up with us. "I doubt it was Killian." Neal said. "You'd be suprised sometimes, son." Mr Gold said. I walked on deck and Killian greated me. "So Mulan was murdered by Granny's." I said. "What? Mulan?! Why her?" Killian asked in shock. Mr Gold then came aboard laughing. "We came to ask you that." He chuckled. "He thinks it was you." I said. "Me?" Killian asked, suprised. "But it wasnt me!" He argued. "And I know that." I said. "Then why are you here?" He asked. "Because if someone tells me someone they believe is a suspect, I have to check and see if any of the clues fit." I said. "But they wont." Killian said. "We know." Neal said, now also on the ship. "We don't!" Mr Gold argued. "Do you have a hand gun around here?" I asked. Killian nodded, and brought us all down to the lower level to get it. He opened a drawer and pulled the gun out, handing it to me. "This is a 357 magnum." I whispered. "And its old too." Killian laughed. "I haven't used it in years." He added. I opened the cartridge. "I also have" Killian started, but I interupted. "Three bullets are missing." I said. "Three 357 magnum bullets were fired at the crime scene, one in Mulan's neck." I whispered. "You don't believe it was me, do you?" Killian asked, upset. I shook my head and grabbed Killian's hand. "I need your fingerprint." I said, puting his pointer finger on a fingerprint reader. I then placed the leather coin pouch with the bloddy fingerprints in the machine. As the computer loaded to see if it was a match, I held out the pouch. "Have you seen this before?" I asked. "Yes, it belongs to me." Killian said. "But it went missing a week ago!" Killian quickly added. I looked at my camera to see the pictures of the scene I had. I noticed footprints leading the direction of the Jolly Rodger. There was blood on the left heel of the footprints. "Can I see your left shoe?" I asked. Killian nodded, handing me his shoe. On the right side of the left shoe, there was red blood. "Killian, theres blood on your shoe." I said. "What? I just changed shoes an hour ago! I havent had these on all day!" He said. My computer then beeped, showing the fingerprints were a match. I looked over at Killian. "Killian," I started. "No, take me away. Handcuff me and throw me in jail." He said. "Thats what I have to do." I whispered. "But you arent guilty yet." I said. "I'd say he's pretty guilty." Mr Gold said. "I'd say he's not the guilty one!" Neal yelled back. I gently grabeed Killian's arms and pulled them behind his back. I then placed the handcuffs on his writsts and took off his hook. "I shouldve drove a car here." I sighed. We all began to leave the Jolly Rodger. I was holding the handcuffs on Killian even though I knew he wouldnt escape. A crowd was gathering as we walked through the streets. People were asking what happened and Mr Gold would yell "Hook murdered Mulan!" But Neal would argue. I then walked Killian into the sheriff station and took of his handcuffs, leading him into a jail cell. I leaned against the bars, quietly. I walked over to the bars and said "I don't belive it was you by the way." He sighed at this comment. "All clues point to me." He said. People then began storming into the sheriffs office. "I knew you shouldnt have let the pirate into Storybrooke!" People were shouting. "We'll figure out who really did this." I whispered to Killian. Then I turned around and tried to calm the crown and get them to leave.

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