Chapter 13

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I walked out to the new crowd formed by Gold. "Killian didn't kill Mulan, Gold did!" I announced. Everyone gasped. "She's lying! She only wants to protect Killian! He's still a pirate! He will always be Hook. A their and a villain." Gold yelled. "He may be a pirate, but he is not a thief or a villain! And he's Killian, not Hook! He changed!" I yelled back. "Stop protecting him and protect the town!" Someone yelled from the crowd. "If you, Emma Swan, believe I murdered Mulan, prove it!" Gold laughed. "I can do that!" I yelled, pulling out my voice recorder. I first played the part where Aurora explains the purple smoke. Then I played the part where Belle explains what Gold was doing with purple magic and everything. Next was Gold yelling at Killian in the sheriff station. "What do you want, Crocodile?" Killian growled. "To show you I'm winning!" Gold laughed. "Winning in what?" Killian asked. "Your love now believes you as a murderer!" Gold laughed. "She does not believe that! She is on my side!" Killian argued. I then played Killian explaining who he called Crocodile, and how he called Gold Crocodile. "If this doesn't prove it, I don't know what does!" I yelled. Everyone stared at Gold in shock. He snapped his fingers, disapearing. "Magic is destroying Storybrooke!" Someone else yelled. "Blame Gold for that too. But, can I release Killian?" I asked. They all nodded. I ran into the Sheriffs office and grabbed the keys. "You convinced them?" He asked. "Yes! I always beloved it wasn't you!" I yelled, opening the jail door. He ran out and hugged me. "So Crocodile is losing?" Killian asked. "Please stop trying to win!" I argued. "I only will if losing means losing you." He whispered. "You will never lose me." I smiled back.

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