Chapter 1

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"I've got a migraine and my pain will range from up, down, and side ways." 


Sollux Captor sighed and pushed his glasses up, rubbing his eyes. He had just spent the past two days sitting in his office chair, without getting up, and finishing up yet another one of his projects. A chatting site to be exact. He used to use a different site to communicate with his friends but that site was much too slow for his liking. He was just a click of a button away to finishing...

A ding from his husktop informed him that he had recieved a new message from a friend from that horrendous chatting application. He sighed in frustration and switched tabs.


♑: heeeey man. motherfuck's up? ya all up an got that new more wicked site up an runnin' yet or nah?
♊: ii wa2 about two get iit up and runniing untiil 2OMEONE deciided two me22age me. 
♑: aw shit man sorry to motherfucking interrupt. just excited as shit to get my wicked chat on with them new motherfuckers out there. bet your site'll be a gazillion times better than this one.

♊: of cour2e iit'll be. now ju2t leave me the fuck alone 2o ii could get thii2 2hiit done already. 
♑: haha you got it bro. :o) talk to a motherfucker later.


Sollux rolled his eyes and switched back to his previous tab. Honestly, this old site was complete shit compared to Sollux's new one. This one used the signs of trolls as user names, what were they supposed to call each other with that? Hello 'N' with a squiggly line attatched. No, that was bullshit, and Sollux wasn't one to bullshit.

The Gemini troll triumphantly clicked the enter button on his keyboard and thus, Trollian was created. 

The site became very popular very fast. Trolls of all areas of Alternia were using this new chatting site, putting the previous one out of business. Sollux took great pride in the creation of Trollian, it was his biggest work yet, and most popular. His previous projects being codes he couldn't really do much with those, or show those off. He could send one to any given troll that got on his nerves and give their husktop a virus but that was pretty much it.

Two months since trollian was created and Sollux had a total of ten friends on his friendlist, their trolltags all written in their blood colours creating a rainbow. Sollux sighed, his yellow coloured trolltag was the only one bright enough to show he was online. He was bored out of his mind and no one was online to drag him out of his lull. 


Sollux's head shot up so fast his bi-coloured glasses nearly flew off his face. Gamzee had messaged him.

terminallyCapricious[TC] began trolling twinArmageddons[TA]

TC: HeY ThErE My yElLoW BlOoDeD Bro :o)
TA: hey TC. 2tiill u2iing that a2iiniine typiing 2tyle ii 2ee.
TC: HaHa yOu kNoW It.
TC: LiStEn bRoThEr, cAn yA Do a MoThErFuCkEr a FavOr?
TA: depend2
TC: Ya sEe i GoT Me a BeSt fRiEnD WhO's a BiT LoNeSoMe, yA MiNd cHatTiNg hIm uP A bIt?

TA: 2eriiou2ly?

TA: you want ME of all troll2 two try two be friiend2 wiith a troll ii don't even know.

TA: TC ii don't know iif you remember but ii'm not exactly the mo2t 2ociiable troll on alterniia.

TA: get CC or GA two do it. hell why not get AT or CT two do iit?


TC: JuSt tRuSt a MoThErFuCkEr oN ThIs. yOu aNd mY MiRaClE BlOoDeD BrOtHeR WiLl gEt aLoNg mIrAcuLoUsLy :o)

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