Chapter 9

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"Shadows will scream that I'm alone...but I know we've made it this far, kid."


"HONK. honk. HONK. honk." Karkat cursed silently as they horrifying honks echoed throughout the empty hallways as he continued dragging Sollux's unconscious and bloody body down the corridor and hopefully away from harm's way. He didn't know what happened, he didn't know what caused it. All he knew was that he was two people were dead and there were two people out on rampages on the moment. All he knew was that he was terrified.

Another honk echoed through the hallways, louder this time, and caused Karkat to jump and squeak in fear. He didn't know what to do. His arms were tired from dragging his friends knocked out body so far and he was scared he was about to get gutted by a crazy killer clown. Pulling Sollux behind a small stack of random crates they kept in the hallways, Karkat removed his sickle from his sylladex and held his unconscious friend close, the sickle held out protectively in front of the two. This wasn't his plan, this was just until he got some feeling back in his arms.

He didn't know what his plan was going to be actually, he just knew that he had to stay as calm as possible and fix this. But how? Everything had happened so quickly that he didn't know what to do. One second he's calmly chatting with Eridan and the next second Feferi and Kanaya have holes in their torsos and Sollux is knocked unconscious against a wall. Karkat remembered thinking that those few seconds in which Eridan made eye contact with him after killing Feferi and Kanaya would be his last, but he was wrong. The Aquarius troll simply smiled a shark-like smile, his razor sharp teeth all showing, then stepped on the platform of the transportalizer before vanishing.

He didn't know how long he sat behind that stack of crates for but once he did stand up, both his legs and his ass were asleep. Karkat took a few tentative steps down both sides the hall, making sure the coast was clear and safe before dragging the still unconscious body of his best friend down the hall.

And that's when Karkat dropped Sollux down the stairs.

It all happened so fast really. One second Karkat is patting himself on the back for safely dragging his best friend to safety and the next second the two of them were tumbling down a large flight of scared, mustard blood and teeth flying out in all directions. After one long and painful moment the two were at the bottom of the stairs and Karkat was desperately trying to shove his friends teeth back into his gummy mouth. Of course Sollux did wake up soon after, with no lisp but a full on migraine, and Karkat couldn't help but stop the smile on his face and tackle his newly blinded friend in a bone crushingly tight hug. Of course after that things went quicker. Sollux managed to contact Terezi on pointers about his new inability to see and Karkat had to leave him to go hunting for a crazy killer clown. They all regrouped eventually, Kanaya, Terezi, Sollux, Gamzee, Vriska, Karkat, when it came down to easing the burning rage that rested in the capricorn trolls self.

Of course things went downhill from there too.

Karkat couldn't imagine a greater pain than watching his long time best friend and weird flushed-pitch-pale crush die in front of his eyes, but he just got the first hand experience of feeling something worse. Watching his long term friend for whom he shared mixed feelings with die in front of his eyes, twice. Karkat was now screaming and sobbing and begging and crying over the not breathing body of his friend. This time, Karkat knew there was probably nothing he would be able to do to get his pain in the ass yet wonderful friend to come back to life, and he was technically right. This Sollux was long gone, and Karkat was just clutching an empty shell.

"Karkat?" Karkat must've been going insane already because he was hearing Sollux's voice. "Karkat, dude." There it was again, this time though Karkat's head shot up to see Sollux floating a few feet above him, along with a newly god tiered Aradia and aliens. Karkat didn't care about them though, all he cared about was the sudden anger racing through his veins as he fixated a glare to the half dead gemini.

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