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Rosalie's POV

The simple Friday morning just seemed a little weird to me for some reason.

It was only after first period, and I already grew bored of school. I closed my locker, noticing Celeste and April walking over to me. "Hey, Rose", they both said in sync. I swear, if this was some Wonderland place, they'd be the twins. They did everything together. But, I would suppose that's the art of having a best friend. They are there for each other, and anyway, it was actually quite amusing seeing them act like a married couple, to say the least. It was obvious that Celeste was bursting of excitement, so I simply questioned what happened. I'm sure if I didn't, she wouldn't just tell me, and remain like that the whole day. The last thing I needed was her squealing to make me more irritated.

Celeste smiled brightened then. "Oh nothing. Besides the fact that Cody asked me out!" April and Celeste both high fived. "Well, then tell me all the details", I replied to her. It wasn't ordinary in Greenwood High School, let alone any high school, for a 'nerd' like Celeste to catch someone like Cody's eyes. Jocks and nerds were like cats and dogs, or water and oil. They just didn't mix.

"Well. Ted thought it would be funny to drop my books,right?" She then paused for dramatic effect. "Right", I replied, anticipated. "So Cody told him to knock it off. And then he helped me pick my books up. Isn't that great?!"

I laughed at Celeste's sudden burst of energy. She was always the one to overreact and prep everyone up. Even when they didn't want to. I guess that's just the kind of person she was. "That's totally great. You guys are perfect for eac-" Then, April said, dramatically, "Guys. Nick is defiantly checking me out." Celeste and I looked forwards, seeing Nick nod his head, and wink once April looked. She looked like she was going to faint. "April,April. Breathe. Breathe in, breathe out." April followed Celeste's orders, calming herself. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"So,Rose. Any boys here on your mind? How about...Jeff?" I shake my head, rolling my eyes. "He's with Amy. Remember?" "Oh yeah. Right. Well, how-"


The order seemed a little to panicked to be a simple announcement. "Whoa", April said, as crowds started walked to the auditorium, confused. We walked along with them, curious to why the principal seemed so cautious. "What do you think's going on?" Celeste just shrugged. I honestly didn't know, but it was certain the news couldn't have been good.


"Students. We are here to inform you that one of our fellow students, Barbara Blank, has been murdered."

Gasps and surprised faces escaped throughout the entire auditorium. I examined everyone. Shocked and worried. Even some of the boys' faces were scrunched up in disbelief. I shuddered, unaware that April asked me a question.


"Wasn't she with us last night?" She was. April,Celeste, Phil, Nick, Randy, Cody, Barbara, and I were all together at the club last night. She was the main one getting drunk. We were eventually ready to leave, looking around the building for her. We later found out from some bartender that she left with a boy minutes ago. And now she's dead.

"Any questions?", Mr. McMahon asked. He waited for a few hands to raise. Only one did. Layla. I assumed everyone else was still trying to recollect what happened. Heck, I was, too. She was murdered, for goodness sakes. "Yes,Layla."

"Do you know how she was killed?"

Mr. McMahon sighed. "I'm afraid the autopsy was shown as invalid. The doctor's assume she was stabbed or shot. But, to be honest. We don't know." April was frozen in her seat. I'm sure she was more creeped out than the rest of us. Nick, next to her, rubbed her hand for support. But that wasn't much help now. "Any more questions?" No hands were raised this time.

"Okay", Mr. McMahon continued. "From now on, safety is important. We advise you to stay in groups. And no going out after dark. This is serious, and we want safety for our students."

I felt like a child, being told rules. But this was too scary, until I couldn't refuse. It was either this, or something much worse. "We thank you for your patience. Stay safe." And with that, we were free to go to class. The rest of the day seemed strange. Not just exactly for the reason that Barbara was dead, but also for a sense of paranoia.

I, for one, realized why I felt so uneasy about the day.

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