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It's been one day since we were informed about Barbara's death, and since then I've been cautious about everything. I wasn't sure why, though, since her kill wasn't a warning for us. Then again, there's so many thoughts that's just irk me, like the fact that she brought her phone with her that night. Half of the school is in her contacts, and if he really needed any vernerable teenagers to kidnap and kill, we seemed to fit the description.

Today's Saturday, so I don't have much to do. Just another reason not to go outside and do things. I walked downstairs, my mom being the first one I see. Colby was too busy eating his cereal while watching a random superhero cartoon. Sometimes, I just don't understand him.

"Morning, hunny", mom said, kissing my cheek. She wasn't aware of Barbara's death. Mainly because the school thought we were responsible enough to tell them ourselves, and Colby and I didn't want her overreacting about us going out late.

"Morning,Mom." Colby didn't say anything. I could tell he was in deep thought. The main belief was that he seemed to change from Teletubbies to a crime investigation channel. 'Who wouldn't be, though?,' My mind wandered off, 'This was something truly weird to try and figure out.' Just last night I was wondering who killed her. I came up with some raging pervert or serial killer. But then I thought about the invalid autopsy. It was quite unusual, if you ask me.

Mom suddenly squealed. If you didn't notice, she was quite like Celeste. Very perky, and quite optimistic. It's still uncertain how she managed to raise two children who appeared the opposite. Usually, though, she was optimistic because of some neighbors or new people. So, it wasn't much of a surprise when she was looking out the window. She then backed away, prepping herself. "We've got new neighbors!"

"Oh joy", Colby said, sarcastically without making eye contact. It's sad that he's like that. You could be on fire, and he would just watch TV, sipping on a glass of water. However, his careless attitude is what most of us seem to love about him, except mom. "Now,Colby Lopez!," she began, "You're going to get up and meet the neighbors if I drag you out of this house!"

Colby groaned in response. "Okay, Mom. Whatever." He lifted off the couch, walking over to us. The doorbell rang, causing Mom to hyperventilate in excitement. She finally opened the door, seeing the new neighbor herself. You would think a truck like that would last three people, but there was only a woman at our doorstep, smiling warmly at us.

Something seemed different about her. For one, she was quite pale, more than a average human. She held a umbrella, even though the rain cleared through earlier, leaving a cloudy, gloomy sky. And, she was dressed in a coat and beanie, which was odd considering the fact she was carrying an umbrella. I really need to stop analyzing things.

"Hello", the woman said. Her hair was fairly dirty blonde, her eyes bursting of electric blue. She was beautiful. And her voice was like velvet. "I'm Sarah."

"I'm Varian Lopez. And these", she glanced towards us, in introduction, "Are my two children, Colby and Rosalie." "Hi", we both spoke, in sync.

"My son, Jon's unloading. Maybe you both could meet him sometime." So, there was another person besides her. And he was a boy. Bonus! "I'm sure they would get along very well", my Mom answered.

"Of course", Sarah replied. "Well, I have to continue packing. I'll see you later. Nice meeting you." We said our goodbyes, closing the door. Well, in all honesty, I might actually have an interest in the neighbors after all.

Later that night, I stepped out of my friend Amy's car, after a night at the club. I didn't really have an interest in going, especially after Barbara, but everyone else didn't seem to let it bother them. "Thanks for the ride, Ames," I thanked, after shutting the car door behind me. She smiled back, giving a curt nod. "No problem. See you Monday." She then drove off, leaving me alone. It was dark out, yes. However, the streetlights gave me a clear view of everything around me. Plus, I made sure to keep a pocket knife and pepper spray with me. So, safe to say, I'll be okay. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets. It was actually quite nice out. Alittle too peaceful for nighttime, though.

That was when I noticed a boy, standing around the new neighbors house, smoking. The motion-detected light beamed clearly, so I was able to catch his appearance. He had the same blonde, shaggy hair and blue eyes like Susan earlier. He must've been Jon. It didn't take a while until noticed me. He allowed the cigarette to fall onto the ground, stepping on it in the process while walking over to me. He just wore a simple green band tee and jeans that nothing special. "You must be Rosalie. My mom mentioned me to you, brown eyes, and all." He was quite attractive, as much as I didn't want to admit it, immediately. There was just a strange attraction to him, that I couldn't help but like him already. "Yeah. Rosalie Lopez. Jon?"

Jon gave a curt nod in response, a smirk tugging at his lips."With being the only man of the house, I was sure you would figure out sooner or later." By then, I was pretty sure he was just flirting, or he was just enjoying joking with me. Either way, it was better than having to deal with neighbors that barely greeted you, let alone carrying a conversation. Nothing really happened between us after that, since Jon's mother called for him, though. "Jon! Come inside! It's getting late!" Jon looked from his mom, who wasn't visible behind the door, to me, rolling his eyes. "Ah, duty calls," he joked. "See ya later, brown eyes?" Well, the nickname was sudden. I nodded. "See you later." We both started walking away, as I turned around again, calling his name. He turns towards me, giving me his full attention. "By the way, welcome to Greenwood."

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