Pete Wentz: Stalker From The Streets

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   As soon as I uttered my name, my heart stopped. 'Are you a fucking idiot? Why would you say your real name to some street thug!' I thought to myself. I knew I was gonna have to pay for this. Pete stared at me in silence, until a small gin appeared on his face. "Patrick... Like the star?" Pete started to laugh. Clearly he was some kind of joker. "I'm just kidding around, you have a very nice name. I've never met anyone named Patrick, it's very nice to meet you." Pete's smile slowly disappeared as he looked into my eyes and put his hand on my shoulder. A look of pity started to spread across his face.

   "I'm sorry, but you don't look too well... No offence, of course. Are you alright, Patrick?" I laughed and helped Pete onto his feet. "Last night was a ruff night for me, it's a pretty long story--" "Tell me about it, I've got plenty of time." Pete interrupted me.  First he wants me to tell him my name, and now he wants in on my personal life? Is this... Teenage-man-boy a stalker? I hesitated to speak, but something about him seemed trusting... Was it is smile? His eyes? His laugh? For me, it must have been all of the above to actually agree to tell him anything about my life.  He then offered to take me into the shop I was in earlier and buy me a new cup of coffee (he must have saw the coffee spilt all over my jeans).

   We both sat down at a table, I ordered the same thing I got earlier, and Pete ordered a small black coffee. He sat across from me and I watched him tear open sugar packet after sugar packet, dunking it all into his coffee. Five or six packets later, Pete finally looked up at me to proceed conversation. I took a deep breath before telling him my story.

    "Well, you see... I was in a very committed relationship with this girl for about two years. She was my first girlfriend. Once in a while, she would be abusive towards me, mentally and physically. Even though I was fully aware of her actions, for some reason I just couldn't let her go. And just three or four days ago, she broke up with me. I seriously feel worthless without her, I'm miserable, I've been a mess of a man ever since that day. The day we broke up I was standing up for myself during on of her episodes, and then she broke my heart and kicked me out of her house. We shared an apartment together... I'm freaking homeless now. I've been spending my nights wherever I could, in parks, bus stops, and a whole bunch of other sad places. I have nowhere to go, and I've hit rock bottom. Hell, the only thing I have anymore is hope, hope that everything might get better soon. Everything has just been so hard..."

    After I admitted it all to Pete, he just blankly started at me. He had such a sad expression on his face, it was almost heartbreaking. He then just stared down into his coffee. A few seconds of silence later, he quickly looked back up at me with wide, sympathetic eyes. "...Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger. Everything will get better soon, what I'm trying to say is... I owe you kind of..  For saving my ass. Do you wanna maybe crash at my place for a while? You can stay in my guest bedroom, and you can stay there for as long as you want to, because you seem like a pretty great guy. What do you say?" Pete offered.

   I had to think about this for a second. How could I trust someone I just met? It's all going kind of fast, in my opinion. I barley know Pete, how do I know if he's not some psychopath? But to be honest who can you even trust these days? The person I trusted the most kicked me out of my house. I'm so desperate, I don't think I could stand another cold lonely night on the streets. And I could really go for a shower in an actual bathroom right about now... I smiled and nodded at Pete. "If you promise not to kidnap me, what the heck, sure." I joked (I wasn't actually joking). Pete laughed, and a wide smile stretched across his face. 'It's gonna be really nice having someone around... Especially someone as heroic as you! I don't really have much family near by, the closest person is my mom, but she's about three hours away. So it'll just be me and you." Pete informed me. I nodded in agreement.

    Yes... It will be nice. It will be nice to have someone new in my life. And at this moment, I felt slightly less lonely than I did the night before. Not everybody has open arms in need, and I think that's just what made me feel thankful about Pete. I know nothing about Pete, and Pete knows nothing about me... But that just made things more interesting. I kept these thoughts to myself as we both walked further uptown. We both kept silent. Pete still held his coffee cup in both hands (more sugar than coffee), once in a while he would take small delicate sips. Pete's eyes widened as he turned to me, I was walking next to him. "Your head... Does it hurt?" Pete stuttered. I was confused; why would he think my head ached? I took my hand and grazed the side of my head... It felt scabbed. It was a giant scabbed up scar across the side of his head. I didn't even know it was there.

   The scar must have been from the shards of glass from the picture frame I was attacked with. "Hahah, I didn't even notice--" Pete grabbed my hand and pulled me into a small neighborhood. "Pete, I'm okay. There's no need to rush--" "I want to treat it so it won't get infected. I don't want you looking worse than you already do." He continued to pull me down the street. Did I really look that horrible? I really should have expected myself to look bad. But that's okay... Because right here, at this moment, I felt more cared about than I ever did. And the best part is, it was from someone who actually cared about me...

Someone I just met cared about me.

Pete cared about me.

To be continued...

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