How it all started

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Molly's POV

I am sleeping in my bed when I hear a crash downstairs. I jump out of bed to see what it is. My sister, Holly, is still sleeping, which is no surprise because she is such a heavy sleeper. I sneak out of my room and down the hall. Before I can get downstairs, a scary man in a black cloak walks past me. I turn invisible and follow him into my little brother, Harry's, room. I see my mom protecting Harry, but the scary man does not like that so he shoots a green light at her. Her eyes roll back in her head as she crumbles to the floor. With my mom unable to fight, it is my job the protect Harry now. I run to Harry and jump in front of him just as the man uses the same spell he did on my mom. I don't think it worked on me because I was still standing. I did not fall to the ground like my mom. The bad man disintegrated. I think is own spell backfired on him. Haha, he must not be a powerful wizard. Harry starts to cry. I try to walk over to him but everything goes black. My last thought before I slip into unconsciousness is maybe the spell did not backfire. I wake up to heavy footsteps. I sit up and see a giant taking Harry! He turns and I get a good look at his face. A bushy beard his covering most of his face. He has some dirt above his left eyebrow. But he has kind eyes. I am pretty sure that he is a good guy. If not, I think I could fight him. Either way, it is my job to protect my baby brother. I make myself visible and ask him what he is doing. He jumps like ten feet into the air. He is such a scaredy cat for how big he is. He turns around and looks down with furrowed eyebrows. 

"And who do we have here?" he asks is a deep voice. 

"My name is Molly. And I will ask you one more time, what are you doing with my brother?"

"Brother? I thought Harry was an only child." My parents only told a few close friends about us. I think it was to protect us because of all our powers. 

"News flash big guy, Harry is not an only child. He has two sisters. Me and my twin Holly."

"There is two of you" he questioned. I nod. He continues, "as to what I'm doing with him, Dumbledore told me to get him before anybody else could."

"Ok, I trust Dumbledore, but Holly and I are coming with you just in case you are lying."

"Sorry young lady, but Dumbledore told to take Harry and nothing else. He made himself very clear."

I start arguing with him. There is no way someone is taking my brother away! We are still arguing when Uncle Sirius comes in. 

"Uncle Sirius! Thank god you are here. This man is trying to take Harry." I say expecting him to take by brother from this man. But he just gives me a look of pity. I can tell he was been crying.

"I know Mol," he says. "Hagrid is going to take Harry somewhere safe and I am going to figure out a place for you and Holly. This is just the way it has to be." I nod with tears in my eyes. "Go wake up your sister and pack your stuff."

I run down the hall back into my room. I go over to Holly's bed and shake her. The opens her eyes and asks what time it is. I'm not sure, but I tell her that she needs to get up NOW! She jumps outs of her twin bed and asks me what is going on. I tell her to start packing her things and fill her in on everything as we are packing. I grab my sparkly, purple backpack out of the closet. Holly grabs her backpack that is the same as mine, but pink. I some clothes from my dresser and lay them in the bottom of the bag. Then I go to the bathroom across the hall and grab our toothbrushes, toothpaste, other toiletries. I go back to the bedroom and give Holly her stuff. She throws it into the front pocket of her backpack. I look around my room to see what else I need. I grab the stuffed elephant off my bed. I think I am done packing, so I change out of my pjs into a dress with blue and pink strips. Holly has also finished packing by this time. We grab our bags and walk out of our room. Uncle Sirius is standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for us. The Hagrid man must have already left with Harry. Uncle Sirius tells us to close our eyes as we are walking down the stairs. We do as he says, but I peak when we get the the bottom of the stairs. I see my dad laying on the ground just like my mom was in Harry's room. Before we leave, I grab a picture of my parents, Harry, Holly and me from the mantle. I place in gently is my backpack. We apparate to Sirius's house. He shows us to the guest room and we put our backpacks on the floor next to the bed. We crawl in to bed. It is a queen bed and we are only four, so we share the bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep. It has been a long few hours and it is way past my bedtime. 

When I wake up the next morning, Holly is gone. I get out of bed to go find her. She is sitting on the couch in the living room. I ask her where Uncle Sirius is. She said he went to go have a talk with Uncle Peter. I find a box of stale cereal in the cupboard to eat for breakfast. As much as I love Uncle Sirius, he does not know how to take care of a child. He should have made us breakfast before he left. We sit around waiting for Sirius to come home for the rest of the day. We must have fallen asleep on the couch because the next thing I know, I am on the floor. Holly just rolled over and pushed me off the couch! How rude! I stand up and am about to wake Holly up when the front door starts to open. I assume it is Sirius finally coming home. I get ready to yell at him for leaving us alone all day. The door opens, but it is not Uncle Sirius. It is Uncle Remus! I run to give him a hug. He weakly hugs me back. I ask him where Sirius is and he told me that he was arrested for murdering Uncle Peter. Holly had woken up to hear this. She yelled at Remus "You are lying, Uncle Sirius would never do that! He is a good person!" Remus said he was confused and scared too. He agrees with Holly about Sirius not killing anyone. Uncle Remus told us to go grab our stuff, he was taking us to Dumbledore. Holly asks if we were going to go stay where Harry is staying. Remus is not sure. We go to the guest bedroom and grab our backpacks, still packed from last night. We come back out to the living room and see Remus with a bag of his own. It is filled with some of Sirius's things. We apparate to the outside of a huge castle looking building. Remus grabs our hands and we walk inside. We keep walking and walking, passing some older kids and adults. They all stared at us. We stopped in front of a bird statue. Remus said something and it started turing to reveal a staircase. We walk up the stairs and enter an office. It is so messy, there is stuff all over the walls and books stacked up everywhere. Sitting at the desk in the middle of the room is Dumbledore. He, along with Sirius and Remus, are the only ones he know about the existence of Holly and I. My mom wanted to tell Uncle Peter, but my dad said he did not trust him enough. Dumbledore smiles at the sight of us. Remus starts yelling at him, asking where we were supposed to live and  why we were separated with Harry. Dumbledore calmly explains that Sirius is supposed to be taken care of us. Remus informs Dumbledore that Sirius has been arrested. Dumbledore sighs and thinks for for a minute before he speaks. "I have heard they have great power. They need to be with someone who can nurture their talents and powers." He looks at Holly and I. "What exactly can you girls do?"

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